
Friday 2 January 2015

Seeing Is Believing

"Life, but not as we know it Scotty" ..... The words attributed to Captain Kirk whenever they found something they couldn't explain. Well here's one for you:

1). Down load this picture from the NASA site ...

2). Open it up fully using a photo-viewer that allows close-ups and ...

... well an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) is apparent if you look closely.

Or, if you trust me not to have Photoshopped it, then look at these examples from the picture ...

I Have Ringed The Object For Clarity - Original Image On Link
Closer View
Much Closer

Of course the uncritical part of the web goes wild .... but look more carefully ......
A Trail Is Clearly Visible

With no atmosphere on the Moon to leave 'a trail', the line beneath and to the left of the 'UFO', suggests something a little more prosaic .... a bit of lens dirt, aka lens specks, the curse of cameras since their creation. Probably a pollen speck with a tail, or maybe something like lint from the polishing process on Earth.

"Seeing is believing" as they say, but more often than not, we "see only what we want to see".


  1. Another opportunity to remind those who want to believe that the "U" in UFO doesn't mean 'probably alien in origin'.

    1. Yep, but still an interesting photo spot by whomever it was that first pushed it out on to the web.

    2. I have been looking at other photos in the series in the hope of finding the same anomaly in the same position - without success.

      Check out this photo in the series :
      where we can see a Klingon bird of prey up in the distant right and what therefore must be the Enterprise, just right of centre.

    3. The 'Bird Of Prey' .... maybe. The 'Enterprise', well I was squinting a fair bit for that one LOL.

    4. That's because it's just the Enterprise's saucer section.


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