Sunday 28 October 2007

A Very English Parliament Needed

Here we go again, I just had to listen to a New Labour Minister telling me, an Englishman, that I didn’t want England to have a Parliament, No, what I really wanted was Labour dominated “Regional assemblies!”

The English Only Parliament Has Long History
The English Only Parliament Has Long History

What she didn’t mention was that this was the only way Labour could remain in power if Scotland went fully independent.

Friday 26 October 2007

Humans 10,000 yrs in the future

According to latest evolutionary theory findings, humans split from the common ancestor with the Chimpanzees, about 5.4 million years ago which is considerably less time ago than was previously thought to be the case.
Evolution From Apes To Human
Evolution From Apes To Human

There was obviously a long period of hybridisation, in which the two proto-species could interbreed, and this cross transfer of genes helped develop the final species of Homo Sapiens.

Tuesday 23 October 2007

Projected UK immigration and Population figures

The cat is finally out of the bag on race and immigration into the UK, although the stunning silence from our PC politicians is deafening. The Tories have said something after a day, and the liberals, well what do we expect. The Government says as little as it can apart from claiming that it's controlling the situation after ten years in power, and the BNP has to say nothing.

All this because it’s finally been confirmed, what we all have felt happening, that is that if current trends in immigration continue the
population of the UK will rise to 75 million and that 30% of the population will be ‘non white’ by 2051. The Government has denied this and said it will be only 71 million, and that’s as far as they are going on the subject.

We are gradually turning our own country from a first world predominately Judeo/Christian country; into probably a Muslim threatened one. We already have shifted laws to accommodate the 3% of the population who are Muslim, so what it will be like in the UK when they are nearer 10%?

The imposition of
Sharia Law beckons for areas of the country, because there is not one historical example of Muslims not imposing it when they have enough manpower to enforce it. In dome towns they will via the council be able to impose or demand it. Dhimmitude is the term for non Muslims who go like cattle to the yoke of subservience, and we are dangerously close to being a Dhimmi nation.

Have we ever been asked about this, has anyone said do you wish to completely alter the nature of your society? You can bet your sweet arse we haven’t. As on so many other issues, our much vaunted democracy has failed the general public and proved to be merely an elected dictatorship.

This subject has become impossible to discuss without being labelled a racist, or risking a criminal prosecution for incitement to racial hatred. Oddly the more pressing the problem the less you are able to discuss it, with more legal protections for even the worst of the migrants than to the native population.

One day someone is going to look back on this period and declare our society as mad, but deserving of its fate, because it just sat back and with barely a murmur allowed self serving politicians to make the biggest social engineering decision in history, the complete eradication of a basic culture. How English or British will we be with 10 million new commonwealth immigrants.

When you consider that barely 60 yrs ago this culture ruled a third of the globe, this collapse will be all the more dramatic. We may even be heading towards a civil war because ‘white flight’ to Australia and Canada will only take 5 million of the native population away from the issue.

BNP will reap the votes of the dissatisfied, and the mainstream will ring their hand. The sheer costs of providing the additional houses, hospitals, schools, roads etc are staggering. It’s as though everyone in Belgium moved to the UK and we had to build the country from scratch.

I will leave the final words to the professor who wrote the report because you can bet that this will be buried by the news makers very quickly and certainly won’t spark the debate it deserves in a real democracy.

"The absent-minded commitment into which we have drifted, to house a further 15m people, must be the biggest unintended consequence of government policy of almost any century," he told peers.

"As it is by no means unavoidable, being almost entirely dependent upon continued immigration, it might be thought worthy of discussion. In official circles, there has been none."

Guess what, not more than a month after these figures caused such a furore, the Government announces that well, actually those figures were a massive underestimate, and in reality the UK population could be at 110m in 2081 .... 75 million was just to get us used to the idea of completely eroding Britain / England as a european nation. The new figures from the Government Actuary's Department, predict that the net population growth from immigration will probably be just short of 200,000 a year until 2021 - but adds it could peak in the near future at 300,000 a year.

Below is a Poll link to a question that allows anyone to let their thoughts be known. It’s the nearest anyone in the UK will get to having a say.

Should Non EU immigration to the UK be halted immediately?
No, we should have fully open borders.
No, there should be stricter controls, but some Non EU immigration.
Yes, Non EU immigration should be halted now.
No, All immigration should be halted, not just Non EU immigration. free polls
This post is from the site No PC Views. if you are viewing it elsewhere, then it has been scraped or stolen. You may wish to view the post in its original context by visiting No PC Views (

Monday 22 October 2007

Something Else To Hate The Brits For

Well according to most of the world that's a lot of things, and you can even sub divide it down to the ‘English’ and let the Scots, Welsh and Irish join in.

But as an Englishman I am above such petty concerns and colonial envy, however I will concede one area for which we are guilty as hell…. The Suit and Tie.

According to sources, our modern suit derives from an evolutionary path of over 400 yrs, but the fact is that it was that man George Bryan Brummell (Beau Brummell) who came up with the Suit, Shirt and tie (cravat) that has strangled mankind ever since.

Of all the things that would become universal, who would have thought that a form of dress designed solely for the leisured classes of the Court of the Prince Regent (George the fourth of England), would become the most worn formal male apparel in the world?

It’s uncomfortable, and in hot climates totally inappropriate, and yet there you are, pictures of Chinese communist leaders wearing suits,

African Somali warlords, and winners of international good governance prizes, both wearing suits without any apparent sense of incongruity

and here are generally every Nabob and Grandee the world over doing the same.

As a man who instantly undoes his shirt button and wears a tie loosely, I can only offer sympathy to every man around the world who has suffered with the tie and the suit.


This post is from the site No PC Views. if you are viewing it elsewhere, then it has been scraped or stolen. You may wish to view the post in its original context by visiting No PC Views (

Thursday 18 October 2007

Race, IQ and Wealth

A Nobel Prize winner Dr James Watson has got himself into hot water with the PC brigade by suggesting that there is a connection between race, national wealth and intelligence. Predictably this has got the shouts of “Racist” ringing loudly, although just as predictably there has been no evidence offered against his comments other than that they "were deeply offensive" or “irrational prejudices”.

Some People Think Intelligence Tests Are Unfair ~ Usually Those Who Do Badly.
Some People Think Intelligence Tests Are Unfair ~ Usually Those Who Do Badly.

The remarks in an interview with The Sunday Times, were that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really". He went on to say he hoped everyone was equal but that "people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true".

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Beheading and Human sacrifice to Gods

Beheading and Human Sacrifice in history: Firstly, when is it human sacrifice and when is it merely a form of punishment? 
1587 representation of three beheadings as capital punishments decreed by King Henry VIII against Thomas More and two other Roman Catholics in 1535
Beheadings Were Common Across Europe

The answer seems to lie in who is relating the story. History is always written by the victors so they say, and that seems to have greatly influenced what we consider human sacrifice or not.

Thursday 11 October 2007


Unused as I am to comments on my blog site, I therefore felt obliged to respond to a request from one of these rare birds, to take a look at the website 1party4all which she has set up.

The site has the blurb “This website takes a different approach to democracy: instead of voting on parties and personalities, you can vote on specific policies. Called ‘direct’ or ‘pure’ democracy, it empowers the population to voice its opinion on specific policy issues, allowing "the greatest happiness of the greatest number" to be expressed.

Members are encouraged to look at the poll questions and vote regularly. The answers will form a large of the "personality" of this website. It hopes to reflect British public opinion without fear of favour. Fringe party issues of both "Right" and "Left" will be addressed, but the intention is to bring in people of all persuasions who are dissatisfied with the way the country is being run and think they have better ideas.

And according to the biography of its founder 'Andromeda', it’s been set up by an ‘accountancy, political commentator’, so make of that what you will. She also has a blog site of her own, ‘The Voice of Reason’, where you can learn some of her personal views via her regular blogs.

Anyway, back to the 1party4all website.

Visitors are allowed to view existing polls in the “chamber of debate”, but you can only vote by becoming a member, or AAA Awarded member. There is also a comment box which you can complete, but have to be a member to get any accepted.

I navigated round the site, and everything appeared to work OK. The only observations I would have are:
  • It is not clear how particular subjects are raised e.g. who is raising the topics. Obviously this and the wording of the question influence the results.
E.g. I have found this example of a real poll question, not from the 1party4all site illustrating how the wording of questions can influence the results.
  1. In general, do you think a woman should have the right to choose to have an abortion? Yes - 67% No - 29%
  2. In general, do you think the lives of unborn babies should be protected? Yes - 69% No - 19%
The wording of these questions produced conflicting results to essentially the same question, just put with a different slant and bias. It illustrates the importance of knowing how and who sets the questions.
  • The polls do not show how many votes were required to achieve a particular result. If for example a question had 75% support, but there were only four votes (3 for and 1 against), then it’s ‘interesting’, but statistically meaningless and unrepresentative.
  • Finally, they have a standard result, and a multiple vote result, which appears to be set as 50% for, and 50% against on nearly all the questions. It’s not immediately clear what the point of this is, and confuses the results. Do you look at the standard or the multi vote?

I understand why a new site would be forced to keep respondent numbers from being shown until it has enough voters/members to have statistical significance, but it is a weakness.

Conclusion, if the site takes off it could be an interesting indicator of public opinion on subjects of great debate. In the meantime it’s a political forum where people of a like mind can chat and vote on various subjects. See warning below:

Update Warning: The voting site originally reviewed seems to have quickly become defunct, and it appears was the vehicle of an 'Ex' British National Party member Claire Khaw (she has commented below), aka the eponymous 'Andromeda' who originally contacted me. Its fair to say that she holds strong views on a number of subjects that many would disagree with, and also may have converted to Islam.

I have removed all direct links from the post, but left it and her comment (with the link to her profile) up .... be aware that you follow them at your own discretion.  But free Speech is after all free speech so the post stays up as well as her comment.

Muslim scholars letter to Christian Leaders

"Muslim scholars reach out to Pope" is the headline as today, a number of Muslim scholars have issued an open letter to the Pope and other Christian leaders stating that for the ‘sake of 'world peace’ there should be greater understanding between Christianity and Islam.

The Pope Being Taught Religion ......
The Pope Being Taught Religion ......

The letter apparently emphasises the commonalities of the religions such as the worship of the ‘same god’, the shared prophets, and that Mohammed was told the same truths that had already been revealed to other prophets, Christian and Jewish, including Jesus.

Monday 8 October 2007

Democracy is a myth

The BBC is having a week of programmes on why democracy? – the basic line is that democracy is basically good or if not good then as Winston Churchill said "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time."

One Man One Vote - Defines Democracy?
One Man One Vote - Defines Democracy?

But define a Western democracy?

Sunday 7 October 2007

Muslims Against Sharia and for Reform

Below is the Goals / Manifesto of a group called


They seem worthy enough. Certainly no one reasonable could object to the aims listed below, but if they represent 0.01% of the Muslim community, I would be surprised at it being that high!