Friday 25 April 2014

Evil Bunnies

Consider the Easter Bunny costume ....

The Easter Bunny As We Normally Imagine Him
Now take a good look at these suited creatures .....

Evil Easter Bunny Costumes?

What they are, believe it or not, is a collection of "Easter Bunnies" from around the world, that kiddies are meant to sit on the knee of, and get photographed. Each of them originally had a very disturbed looking child on their knee, or next to them .... I removed the children from the pictures, to stop the NSPC from raising charges!!

Now consider the term "Leporiphobia" .... a fear of the Easter Bunny. A term I suggest that would never have come into being, if not for the evil minded costume makers who came up with this rogues gallery. 

The Tooth Scary

A lot of people have a phobia about dentists ..... its sometimes called odontophobia, or dentophobia by the way.

Marathon Man Dental Scene
"So You Don't Like British Dentistry Eh Mr Hoffman?"

In fact such is the common extent of this fear, that many horror movies have featured mad dentists, culminating in the horror movie The Dentist.

Zombie Politician

All former 'Big Beast' politicians try to come back from the dead at some time ..... its just inherent with the territory. So its perhaps no surprise that perhaps the most vilified British Prime Minister in modern UK history, Gordon Brown, has made his bid to have weight again.

His arena, the forthcoming Scottish Independence vote ... an area that he has previous on, as he was a signatory of the "Scottish Claim of Right", in 1988 .. he then led the pro 'devolution' clan in New Labour - one assumes they thought it a wheeze to keep Labour in permanent power in Scotland, but which has in fact resulted in the SNP rise.

Just for those of you weren't aware of what this declaration contained .... here's a flavour 

"We, gathered as the Scottish Constitutional Convention, do hereby acknowledge the sovereign right of the Scottish people to determine the form of Government best suited to their needs, and do hereby declare and pledge that in all our actions and deliberations their interests shall be paramount.”
"We further declare and pledge that our actions and deliberations shall be directed to the following ends:
  • To agree a scheme for an Assembly or Parliament for Scotland;
  • To mobilise Scottish opinion and ensure the approval of the Scottish people for that scheme; and
  • To assert the right of the Scottish people to secure the implementation of that scheme."

It looks like he then spent his entire career ensuring that this came true .... because nothing else explains why he effectively wrecked the UK economy, and oversaw the SNP gaining power in Scotland. If the Scots do leave the Union, then he will have been one of the architects of the break up of the British state.

Gordon Brown - A Zombie Politician
Zombie Politician

In my opinion he can't be trusted on this anymore than any other issue ... and even the current craze for zombies doesn't make anyone want this politician to come back from the dead .... 

College Cheats

Never mind college sports, how about college cheats ... the exposure by a whistle blower of the level of corruption that accompanies the academic element of the US college 'sports' scholarships, has resulted in a slow burning scandal, that no amount of college pressure can seemingly suppress.

College Sports Are Big Business In The US
College Sports Are Big Business In The US

These scholarships are the backbone of what in the US in known as 'college sports' (mainly US Football, Basketball and Baseball, but with Track and Field, Swimming and increasingly 'Soccer'), a multi-billion dollar industry, which for US Football and Basketball in particular, requires vast numbers of poorly educated, mainly black, 'athletes', to swell the ranks.

Friday 18 April 2014

Strippers For Good

We have already had strippers for god on this blog before, so perhaps we shouldn't be surprised by strippers for good ....

Strippers Heels - Can Be Deadly Weapons.
Strippers Heels - Deadly Weapons.

Apparently Striptease performers in the Russian city of Rostov are 'donating their day's wages' (whether voluntarily is anyone's guess as its the owner who makes the press statements), to the restoration of a children's holiday resort in Artek, which is located on the Crimea's subtropical south coast.

Armless Joke

David holding his gun ....

Work Of Art, or Cheeky Joke?
Work Of Art, or Cheeky Joke?

...... but not the the one Michelangelo may have envisioned.

Gay Pride?

The demands of the 'gay pressure' groups has long since left the bedroom behind .... when homosexuality was made legal, or perhaps more truthfully, decriminalised by the passing of the Sexual Offences Act in 1967, many hoped that homosexuals would be happy with having the equality of what went on in their bedrooms, being treated the same as for everyone else. But that has not proved the case, and their ever shriller demands for 'equality' have grown louder over the subsequent decades.

They have considered themselves both a 'persecuted minority' one one hand, and a 'significant percentage' of the male population on the other, and have projected both images in about equal measure for the last 30 years ..... on the first, they are wrong about being persecuted, on the latter they are wrong about being a significant percentage of the male population. The only true test on the numbers of homosexual men was carried out by the NHS in the UK (Over concerns over blood donor supplies), and this showed that the numbers of homosexual (or bisexual men) at around 3-4% of the UK population.

Despite this, they have pressed for ever more recognition in spheres far outwith their one area of alleged difference i.e. sexual behaviour, and have been given further 'rights' .... but they were not content with the civil authorities recognition of their relationships in law, via 'Civil Partnerships', but further insisted, and were granted, that they be recognised as 'married', in some weird parody of the religious recognition that so many of the activists seem to want. To the first of those aspirations they have now got civil marriages, and as to the latter wish they are well on their way to subverting the Church of England, and even the last Pope complained of a 'Gay Lobby' inside the highest echelons of the Catholic Church.

So where will this all end? Well the pressured 'sacking', or 'enforced resignation', or ... well call it what you will, removal of Mr Brendan Eich, the chief executive and co-founder of Mozilla, is a new low, but probably the benchmark for the next round of 'gay fascism', whereby everyone who has ever opposed the 'gay rights' movement, even only as a private individual 'gets there comeuppance'. No doubt there will be various trials by social media juries, whereby the accused will be found guilty of 'thought crimes', and hounded out of their jobs ..... McCarthyism applied by civil actors.

It's actually ironic that a self-proclaimed 'minority', who believe that they have long been 'persecuted' for holding unpopular views, can now turn around and persecute others for the exact same reason ... and apparently feel no shame for their hypocrisy. Its raised a lot of counter anger in the US, although not in the UK that I have seen. Posters referring to the 'Gaystapo' are now on many right-wing US sites

By the way, for the benefit of those who don't follow US, or gay politics, Mr Eich's 'crime' was that he voiced a personal opinion, through a donation to a legally placed ballot initiative in California, and whose various political pronouncements he did not fashion .... this opinion was one that the 'gay' community didn't agree with, and in particular a fascist element within that community, who insist that all people's opinions conform to their view, and mercilessly bully and intimidate those whose don't.

The Campaign Against Mr Eich Was Short, But Savage.
The Campaign Against Mr Eich Was Short, But Savage.

In any free society, Mr. Eich would be perfectly entitled to his own opinions, and should be free to express them as long as they don't incite violence, but as we are increasingly aware we are no longer in a free society. There are groups about whom we are no longer allowed to say anything negative, and in expressing contrary views (even discreetly) we risk being vilified by a mob.

In effect we have now reached the point where we have ask, 'Is it now ok to discriminate against someone at work for their personal views?' ..... well after seeing Brendan Eich 'resign' after less than a month on the job, because of the pressure of orchestrated boycott campaigns, we have to answer that it apparently is.

Those full-time gay-rights professionals in the US and UK, will apparently not rest until a homogeneous and stultifying monoculture is settled upon the lands, and in that aim they are joined by the legions in the PC and race Multiculturalism industry's in the same countries .... and if that means unleashing ignorant social media lynch mobs, to pronounce anathema upon any individuals such as a California technology executive, for their private views, acted on in their private lives, then so be it.

Its interesting to note that consensual homosexual acts between adults are still illegal in about 70 out of the 195 countries of the world (approximately 36% of the worlds countries); And with homosexuals being jailed again in Egypt, you would think that the lesbian and gay lobbies would concentrate on those issues (possibly with the Women's Lib activists who face the same foe in many parts of the world, and with much the same inaction), and not on suppressing free speech or thought in countries where they have more than met their demands.

We have ended up walking down a very thorny path, one which probably wasn't envisaged when the decision to decriminalise homosexuality was passed by politicians in the UK (and was followed by similar acts in other western countries) .... unexpected consequences are the bane of politicians.

When 'minority rights' overrule majority wishes, you have damaged your democracy, and are on the hard road to totalitarianism.

Faded Memories In Our Lifetime

A rare tale of the heroism of many, from a time we have all dismissed .... its a rather traumatic account of one man and his families struggle against the evil that was state socialism in Eastern Europe. I would urge anyone to read it and watch the BBC iPlayer TV version while they are still up, because its easy to forget what the world was really like for millions of people, whose children live amongst us today .

We have quickly dismissed memories of the evils of Communism from our collective minds, and even though recent events in the Crimea have evoked ghost like memories of what it was like, most of us have forgotten the evil done under the communist and state socialist banner. The torture, the Gulags and perhaps most insidious of all, the constant surveillance, with its promise of arrest or blackmail for any infringement of thought or word.

The Chains Of The Past - Still Weigh Heavy
The Chains Of The Past - Still Weigh Heavy

Mr Bugan wasn't trying to instil a creed worse than that in place, which has often been the case in the Arab spring, where bad secular regimes are often being replaced by even worse Islamic ones, but rather to simply have free elections, and to live a life without fear of arbitrary arrest or imprisonment ....

I have blogged before about how tolerant we in the West have been about the politics of the extreme far left, with a large numbers of left wing 'socialist' parties (which often had their roots in the post World War II political settlement), while vilifying any who espouses 'right wing views (which includes many US Republicans, outside of the USA).

Its interesting to note that the brave, but rather mild Mr Bugan, would undoubtedly be considered a 'class enemy' by many of the left wing political parties which are allowed to agitate for 'socialism' in the UK ... its a funny world.

Friday 11 April 2014

Times Up

Now I guess you can either take it as proof, that either your god loves you and wants you so much that he's taking you to heaven at the first possible chance ...
Strange Deaths Are Not Uncommen
Strange Deaths Are Not Uncommen

 ..... or that your god doesn't love you, and is punishing you, but either way, when you get swept out to sea during a baptism, something has gone horribly wrong. 

Forbidden Facts

In an another of those 'big snake eats big croc' stories, this time the snake didn't burst open, as the last media example of this event illustrated.

Snake v Crocodile
Snake v Crocodile

The pictures speak for themselves this time and have gone viral, as everyone reads these sorts of Lion v Tiger stories .....

Before I Forget

Many years ago, in what seems like another lifetime, I used to have to visit the elderly in their homes, residential accommodation, or worst of all nursing homes .... these visits, while usually mundane, sometimes brought me into contact with those poor souls who had succumbed to the terrible scourge that is Alzheimer's disease. These visits left me with a lifetime fear of developing a degenerative mental condition in old age .... a fear that has not lessened as I have got older.

So the news that researchers from Georgetown University in Washington DC have suggested recently that a simple blood test can be used to accurately predict Alzheimer's disease, was a little bit of light in a very dark tunnel. Apparently by just testing the levels of 10 fat types in the blood, the results can be used to predict with 90% accuracy, the risk of the onset of the disease within the next three years or even earlier. Its now  going to be tested in larger clinical trials.

The reason why this is important is that being able to test early for the onset of Alzheimer's disease, could allow for early treatment by drugs, which even if not a full cure, may well slow the pace of the development of the disease, and could therefore have a huge impact on the patients and families: One researcher pointed out that  "Even a short delay of symptoms will have a tremendous economic benefit just in terms of the cost of care".

Dementia Is A Worldwide Epidemic

Now speaking as one who is trying to bravely face walking in to the foothills old age, and with little chance of a comfortable retirement, the idea of developing either Senile Dementia or Alzheimer's sends shivers down my spine. What I find most shocking about all this is that funding to cure the disease is very much the poor man of the illnesses, and yet its far more devastating in its impact on both individuals, and the wider society, than almost any other disease.

I for one would certainly sleep a lot better, if a world wide effort was launched to find a preventative or cure the disease asap .... I really believe that a cure is out there, it just needs the will and effort to uncover it .... and who knows, it may save me a trip to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland.

Italian Justice System On Trial

The arrogance of the British courts over 'Human Rights' is breathtaking ..... they believe that not only can they discount the will of the UK Parliament, but also direct and bend to their will, any Country, or Ally, or member of the EU, for not living up to the standards of 'Human Rights' the British legal system deems as appropriate ....

It appears that the British judiciary and lawyers are the last place in Britain where imperialist ideas over the governance of the lesser races (those peoples who live in less enlightened countries, and who are not benefiting from the rule and leadership of English public school boys), is still practised.

So, following on from the ritualised humiliation handed out to Jordan, our ally in the Middle East, over the extradition of convicted terrorist and radical cleric Abu Qatada - court proceedings went on for years, with our courts and legal fraternity blocking the wishes of Parliament, and most of our population (the usual 5% objected, and would rather keep the terrorist in the UK), from sending a deeply scum-bag man back where he deserved - our lawyers and judges have turned their attentions and arrogance on to Italy.

It now appears, that in order to extradite criminals and fugitives back to Italy, the Italian government will have to embark on a billion Euro prison building programme, to ease overcrowding in their Mafia filled prisons. All because in a couple of landmark judgements by low level courts in the UK, where its been determined that being imprisoned in Italy will breach a criminals 'human rights', as determined by UK standards .... truly stunning. The arrogance of this is unbelievable, and the two recipients of these judgements, a Somali man, Hayle Abdi Badre who is wanted for fraud and financial crimes, and a Mafia man, Domenico Rancadore, who was convicted in 1999 of Mafia association and extortion in Trabia, near Palermo, must be smirking at the stupidity of the legal system in the UK. 

Mafia man - Domenico Rancadore  -
aka Marc Skinner - Nothing To Hide

No doubt the UK will now be flooded with anyone wanted for crimes in Italy, from fraudsters, rapists, murderers and the Mafia, all confident that they are can no longer be extradited to |Italy ..... quite amazing in its implications, and yet another illustration of the perversity of the interpretations of Human rights in the UK courts. It is also a decision that flies in the face of the European Arrest Warrant (aka EAW) which we signed up to in January 2004. It is based on the idea that all of the justice systems, in all of the member states in the EU offer due process, a fair trial system, and that these are of equal quality. In other words, you get as fair a trial or detention in prison in Italy as you would get in the UK.

Credit to the Italians, who not only have kept a dignified silence, while UK Human rights lawyers have slagged them off, but have also issued a fresh European Arrest Warrant from Italy. Mr Rancadore was re-arrested and was refused bail. He is now described as "one of the heads of one of the most powerful Mafia organisations in Italy"

Ironically of course the UK legal system is based upon Roman Law ..... but whatever happened to the oldest legal premise of all?

'If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' 

..... if you commit a crime in the country, then you should face the consequences of that crime by the legal system in that country.

Friday 4 April 2014

Evolution On The March

A while ago, in another post I discussed the future of the planet without humanity, during which I included an update along these lines.

Prophetic Words About Evolution Without Humanity
Prophetic Words .......

Little did I suspect that evolution could be so quick ..... just  a few weeks later, comes the evidence of evolution on the march!

In Sweden, a family found (and killed) a King Rat of monstrous proportions in their kitchen.

Truly A King Sized Rat
Truly A King Sized Rat 

Weighing in at about 2.2lb (a kilo), it measured 40cm (nearly 16in) plus tail .... OK so that's not quite the size of a Sheep or a Capybara .... but its not bad for a first effort, and everything has to start somewhere, even 'Evolution'.

Historical Revisionism

Historical Revisionism is a process that in the Western tradition, is meant to be a scholarly process of updating the current view of historical events ....
The Vikings In The West Had A Bad Reputation
Vikings In The West Had A Bad Reputation

.... however there is increasingly apparently a need amongst some scholars, to 'rehabilitate' groups who previously were cast as villains.

The Scum Of Europe

Quote of the year contestant:

"The trouble is these terrorist takfiri [apostates] gangs sent by Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey, and behind them, the West is sending us their terrorists, the scum of Europe. They grow beards, but they have nothing to do with Islam. What kind of Muslim would destroy a mosque and desecrate the grave of a sheikh who taught generations of students?" 

He was referring to 'extremists' who believe Muslim society has reverted to a state of non-belief, legitimising attacks on other Muslims.

So who said it, where, and why?

Well the 'why' was that it followed the systematic and deliberate destruction of mosques,and burning of piles of Korans, which as we are all daily reminded by the jihadists in our own countries, is a sin, well for most Muslims, who would consider this to be the ultimate act of desecration, because they consider the Koran the sacred word of God.

Mosque And Koran Destruction By Muslims

The 'where' was in Syria, on the Iraq border where the jihadist terrorists have been wreaking their usual  mix of outrages, murders, rapes and persecution on the local communities. And the who?

It was the Kurdish community, many of whom who follow the 'Naqshabandis' 'Sufi' brand of Islam, which while not the 'Anglicans' of Islam (there's no such thing), are generally slightly more tolerant than many other of the 'schools of Islam', and therefore anathema to the Saudi inspired and trained terrorists.   

Still its ironic that Muslims in the Middle East, now fear the arrival of the  Islamic 'scum of Europe', radicalised in the Mosques of the West, on tourist terrorism jaunts, where they slip into war-zones, and feel free to commit acts of mayhem on the enemy ..... who are more often than not, their fellow Muslims, both Sunni Arabs, and the Alawites, and 'Naqshabandis' communities. This apparently is what passes for 'Jihad' amongst the attendees of the Mosques of Mannheim-Jungbusch, Amsterdam, Luton and elsewhere. 

A Land Of Only Stones And Men

With the withdrawal of the latest foreign armies from Afghanistan later this year, this time its the largest part of the US and NATO forces, the focus is of course on what's going to happen there next, with most of the smart money on the Taliban taking over again within a few years, (if the US tires of propping up the regime - some US , UK and NATO forces will remain but in smaller numbers), and certainly within the decade, regardless of the military aid given (See Soviet experience).

In the meantime, the whole debacle has reopened a long running argument amongst military historians, going back at least as far as the mid 19th century, as to whether Afghanistan can be occupied by any foreign power. Now before I discuss this further, I need to point out that no one seriously suggests that Afghan armies are unbeatable in battle, and in fact their armies have been regularly beaten in battles against foes as diverse as the Persians, the Greeks under 'Alexander The Great', the Mongols, the Arabs, the Mughals and even the British (who usually did well in punitive raids and revenge marches). But where it always goes badly wrong, as the British have found out a few times over the centuries, is when the invaders try to stay.

Invasions Of Afghanistan - All Ended In Retreat

The Afghans may be only able to raid from the hills against superior forces, but in a land that one Emir who was fighting the British described as "a land of only stones and men", a description which is still true today, there is no material gain in invading. What was true then and now, was that there is no money in what is historically a very poor land, one in which 'honour' and 'religion', is all that the men had to fight over. A situation that is nearly as true now, as it was when the Emir spoke those words ..... if wasn't for the West's unending appetite for the heroin derived from Afghanistan's poppy fields.

However, poppy juice not withstanding, the Afghan poverty makes it impossible to get the Afghans to pay for their own occupation, either by way of taxes, or to get them provide reliable soldiers to defend any 'friendly' regime against its own rebels. The occupiers end up haemorrhaging both their own blood and money, to little material or political gain, and it apparently matters little which military, or political tactics, they adopted.

For instance the Soviets tried brute numbers, and fought a no quarter, no rules war that left 1.5 million dead, figures which are even higher if the casualties from the subsequent civil war, which saw the Taliban sweep into power, are added in. However the cost to the soviet economy was only about $2bn (£1.2bn), a year in materials and weapons etc which seems a pittance compared with the US efforts.

The US tried to fight a 'smart war', with a highly trained professional army (as opposed to the Soviets conscript soldiers), and with an estimated 100,000 casualties so far, its certainly a far less bloody conflict than the Soviet version, but this latest Afghan War has also been far more expensive than the Soviet misadventure, with the US have already spent more than $700bn (£418bn) .... but to much the same effect.

There is a lot to be said in being a backward, fanatical, bloody-minded peoples, with an almost casual disregard for the value of human life, because in the end, most occupiers just throw in the towel, as the British did in 1842, as the Soviets did in 1988, and as the US and NATO will start to do later this year.