Friday 27 June 2014

Tarzan The Lifeguard

We forget how popular some activities were in the past. Swimming (or mixed bathing as it was sometimes known), was really an Edwardian invented activity, but still considered very daring in the 1920's and 1930's

Johnny Weissmuller At The Molitor
Weissmuller At The Molitor

.... young men and women, for obvious reasons were particularly drawn to it as a 'racy' pastime. So much so, that some very swanky establishments were opened up in which they could take part.

You Can't Train Stupid

I always thought that it was only in the UK that major infrastructure cock ups could occur ......

2,000 Of These Put Even Britain To Shame
2,000 Of These Put Britain To Shame

After all, we tie everything down for years or decades, in an arcane and destructive planning process, so that often the development is out of date by the time its allowed, and developers either have to go ahead, even though its no longer really fit for purpose, or risk another decade in that same planning process submitting fresh plans.

Blairs Poisoned Legacy

The shock waves from the recent EU elections continues to shake surprises from the tree branches .... for instance Tony Blair, who was the architect of the open door immigration policy into the UK has spoken out .... by attacking the results of the recent EU MEP elections in the UK.

Blair And Bush - Mutually Assured (Self) Destruction
Mutually Assured (Self) Destruction

In particular he has attacked the UK Independence Party (UKIP), and its supporters ...."You look underneath that UKIP façade and you see something pretty nasty and unpleasant", he said, and added that the EU and its structures should also "confront and expose" parties like UKIP.

One Rule For Us and Another For Them

As we have seen with the reporting of the Richard Scudamore case, the Media, including the BBC, love to pontificate about anyone who doesn't toe the party line when it comes to any of the great untouchable 'ism's of our time (Racism, Sexism and Multiculturalism), which can be very broadly cast under the Politically Correct banner.

To that end they will join together and attack any individual who is a white male, and whose has had any sort of indiscretion exposed over these issues, in an effort to lose them their job and career, and as a warning example to all the rest of us, to keep our mouths shut and our heads down. Strangely these same media attack dogs are often more reticent when the males involved are not white .... so predatory, racially motivated, grooming of white girls in northern towns, was under reported for at least a decade in the mainstream media.

Similarly the very strange goings on inside Tower Hamlets council, a symptom of which was seen when the London Euro election results in 2014 couldn't fully be declared for several days, because that particular London borough was exhibiting some very strange counting procedural issues, are to say the least also very under reported*.

So when one of their own is caught breaking the rules, you would expect that they would swiftly turn on them wouldn't you?

Sadly, in what I can only declare to be no big surprise, a BBC News Editor on the rolling news channel named Jasmine Lawrence, was also operating a Twitter account under the pseudonym 'Journomummy' .... no problem but ....

She rather weakly tried to disassociate her job on BBC News from her views.

.... it was apparently was largely a re-tweeter vehicle of Labour Party official tweets, which is a bit of a no no during elections. She lives with her husband in a £475,000 house in Henley-upon-Thames, and joined the BBC in 2001, where has held a number of roles within the corporation including running its Westminster desk. She has described herself as being ‘ ... well versed in making decisions - frequently at speed. I have impeccable editorial judgement.’

But even so, why should anyone, let alone me, care about what a white, middle class, middle aged, member of the BBC news team, living in a very white area of London, and supporting the Labour Party, twitters? Well apart from the hypocrisy of her views about white males (considering her own background) .... she also took it upon herself to join in a Labour Party campaign to hijack the UKIP twitter trend #WhyImVotingUkip, which she did by posting the following:

During Elections BBC staff are meant to be neutral ... as well not being hypocrites

She is now hiding behind the BBC's opaque complaints procedures, where an internal 'review' is under way, and she has now deactivated her Twitter account ... obviously this was another 'impeccable editorial judgement'. And as, like the bodies it complains about, the BBC also doesn't make open any of its deliberations, we can expect it to just announce 'no action' at the end of a few weeks .... when the story is largely forgotten.

Visitor have found her Twitter account suddenly gone ... Oops

The leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage, told the press at the time that ‘For this senior figure in the BBC to show such prejudice when she works for the public service broadcaster is astonishing. If the BBC are serious about challenging bias she should be fired immediately.’  .... no chance.

Obviously, while the BBC is happy to present TV and Radio shows calling for 'White Middle Class males' to be sacked, or resign for overstepping one of the 'isms', its strangely inactive over the same events, when one of its own staff shows less than 'impeccable editorial judgement', and displays political bias during an election campaign, by trying to discredit a political party. So as a 'White Middle Class' female, she will not be sacked or asked to resign .... she will probably carry on with much the same editorial role, after just a quick 're-eduction' class in how to be more subtle when undermining non left-wing organisations.

Given all the issues over Scudamore, you would hope that the BBC would set an example, but in fact you can bet that there is 'One rule for us and another for them'.

*They were still counting council election votes more than three days after polls closed with accusations that police had failed to ensure that counting could take place without interference ..... this after a warning from the Electoral Commission that the borough was at “high risk” of suspected postal electoral fraud. The other factor was that reportedly there were “arguments, threats and chaos at the counting tables” this year, with supporters of Mr Rahman the current Mayor “challenging vote after vote”, and his media supporters free to come and go, while the count was in progress. The police are allegedly not enforcing the electoral laws, with accusations that because all this is being done by 'certain groups' they won't tackle them .... the council is run by a group consisting largely of Asian officials.

Friday 20 June 2014

In The Libraries Bad Books

There are books that are no doubt worthy, but truth be known they are just not attractive reads, and would never stay in print if printings 'natural selection', sales, was allowed to makes its choices .....

In The Libraries Bad Books
In The Libraries Bad Books

.... but these dull if worthy tomes, often survive in print because they meet some socially 'special' criteria.

Unintended Consequences

The French sentence 'La tortue manges des pâtes'  .... The turtle (or maybe tortoise) is eating some pasta? or maybe pastries? What is eating What?
La Tortue Manges Des Pâtes - Turtle Eating Pasta?
La Tortue Manges Des Pâtes
 - Turtle Eating Pasta?

By locking their language in to unresponsive straight jacket, the French end up with the ridiculous situation that as 'Pasta' is not a French word, they won't officially use the word 'Pasta', but instead have to use a 'French' equivalent which was 'Pâtes', but which can also mean pastry / pastries. So they end up with ambiguous statements like above.

Wrath Of Kirchner

Argentina builds for another war .... or at least that's the only interpretation one can give to the general increase in attacks on Britain.

Cunard Cruise Ship Flying Red Ensign
Cunard Cruise Ship Forced To Lower Red Ensign

They are ramping up these attacks, with their latest pathetic little narrow gesture, to make all British shipping lower their Red Ensigns when entering Buenos Aires harbour ....

Wahabi Counter-Reformation

There is one suggestion about what’s going on in the Islamic world, that I have not seen discussed anywhere. It’s the 'Counter-Reformation' theory.

This is the theory that the Wahhabi form of Islam, centred on Saudi Arabia, and that has fuelled so much of the violence of the past 25 yrs, including the 9/11 bombings (Saudi terrorists, Saudi Money and 'unofficial' Saudi Backing, Masterminded by a member of a Saudi family who are friends of the Bush family .... so the Bush family bomb Afghanistan), is in fact leading a backlash against the liberalisation of Islam that took place in the 1950's, 60's and early 1970's.

Now when I say 'liberalisation', like Einstein, I mean 'relatively'. However I can give some examples of this ..... In the Arab world, it was largely 'secular' socialist leaning 'Nationalist' governments in power, from the newly installed 'Baathist ‘parties in Iraq and Syria, to President Gamal Abdel Nasser in Egypt. In the rest of the Muslim world, Islam was mostly at peace within itself and with the other religions ... so much so that the 'Hippie Trail' went through Turkey, Iran and on to Afghanistan and the Kashmir. With thousands of western teens backpacking comparatively safely every year to those exotic destinations.

This all seemed to come to an end when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan and the US backed extreme Jihadist groups such as the Mujahedeen to fight them, and these groups were given their religious focus by hard-line Saudi clerics (funded by the Saudi Royal family).

Immediately the 'hippie trail', which had been petering out anyway, was closed, as the violent no toleration dead hand of the 7th century religion descended, firstly on the local region, and then over the next 25 years over all of the Islamic world .... similarly in the Shia world, the Ayatollah and his band took over in Iran, with much the same effect and for much the same reasons ..... its this process, this counter reformation if you like, to the religious 'laxness' that the Wahhabi's (and Ayatollah) saw emerging in the 1970's, that we are seeing around the globe now.

In Europe the Counter Reformation, while violent, petered out when it became apparent that it would not win absolute victory ... however it’s not so clear that the Sunni Jihadists have recognised this fact, or even care. Overall they are apparently winning inside the Sunni Islamic world, where 'Sharia' law is imposed more widely than it has been for 100 yrs, with formerly tolerant and moderate Muslim countries such as Malaya and Indonesia, now enforcing ever harsher penalties on Muslims and practising tough discrimination laws against non-Muslims .e.g. enforcing blasphemy laws on Non-Muslims.

The Mahdi in Sudan Was The Last To Create A 'Caliphate'
The Mahdi in Sudan Was The Last To Create A 'Caliphate'

Even the new 'Caliphate' that the Jihadists all strive for, is apparently within reach again, with the ISIS control of parts of Syria and Iraq being the largest 'Caliphate' land grab since the Mahdi in the Sudan and parts of then Egypt 135 yrs ago ...

ISIS 'Caliphate' In Syria and Iraq
ISIS 'Caliphate' In Syria and Iraq

It’s probably no coincidence that the leaders in the West who have allowed all this to unfold, are the post war, post empire, post 50's generation, who remember the hippy trail as a happy aspiration, and who just can't quite comprehend the full extent of the dangers that the West is really facing, as in earlier Islamic upheavals, it was the Muslim locals (and the minority religions such as the persecuted Christians), who faced the violence of those struggles.

So they have sat smugly back and allowed mass immigration into the West, seemingly oblivious to the radical schism that exists in Islam, or the fact that both those sects Sunni and Shia, wish ultimately to force the rest of the world to acknowledge their superiority .... so the politicians just ignore the very real threat of violence that will likely erupt in our midst.

We may face a hundred years of mayhem, within and without our populations .... Trojan horses come in many guises, and we could face much bloodshed if we don't push this one outside of the gates of Vienna.

Friday 13 June 2014

Beer - Elixir Of Life

I always knew that drinking was good for you on more than the 'good cheer' level!

Beers - Elixir Of Life

It turns out that there are 10 good reasons to drinking real ales (including some lagers):

  1. Rehydration: The sugars, salts and bubbles help people absorb fluids - thus aiding hydration.
  2. Energy: Rich in Vitamin B (like meat and vegetables) maintains energy and grow muscles.
  3. Bone Density: Ale Drinkers have denser bones, with Pale Ale drinkers getting better results that lager drinkers.
  4. Healthy Hair and Nails: Rich in Silica's, connective tissues need for growth.
  5. Cancer Preventative: Xanthohumol is a compound in beer that helps prevents cancers and menopausal hot flushes.
  6. Heart Attacks: Beer raises levels of HDL which prevents clogging of arteries.
  7. Digestion:  Two glasses (or Pints as I call them), help keep you 'regular'.
  8. Inflammation: Scientific studies have shown that Beer can reduce joint swellings.
  9. Kidneys:  Reduces the risk of kidney stones.
  10. Long Life: A pint a day can lower blood pressure thus adding about five years to your life.
So there you are .... 10 good reasons to go out to the pub ..... enjoy your drinks!

No Cheers In NFL

Who would have thought it .... apparently American Football Cheerleaders are sometimes subject to some 'sexism' when being selected or training .... with such things as 'jiggle tests', as well as tests of athletic dance ability, being required to get or retain a place on the teams.

A 'jiggle test' by the way is where they are judged on their physical appearance in their outfit, and told which parts of their bodies are problem areas they need to work on. Too many warnings for an out-of-shape body could lead to sitting out a game, or even the sack.

Really!! What shocking times we live in, when a teenage nymphet, in a skimpy leotard or costume, and willing to do acrobatic contortions to entertain a largely male crowd, can be asked to demean herself by going a 'jiggle test' before winning a place on a dance team, where she will then happily cavort about. Of course that cavorting about, can mean that they face heckling, and possibly, groping, at sponsors / promotional events. As one ex-cheerleader said "Let's be honest. You're an NFL cheerleader and you're standing in front of 10,000 drunk guys all the time".

Traditionally, its never been a well paid role in the National Football League scheme of things, with many cheerleaders making around $100 (£60) per show or less. They receive no compensation for time spent practising or working at promotional events, and only one club, the Seattle Seahawks, has said that they pay cheerleaders an hourly wage and overtime.

Seahawks Cheerleaders aka 'Sea Gals' On Hourly Rates

But these poor conditions are mainly fuelled by the fact that many, many, teen girls are willing to do the work for peanuts, as its a chance to break into Playboy, or even TV, and of receiving a very thorough dance training. Although to be fair, on the plus side, the girls can pose for calendar shots, which are then sold as fund-raiser's and the most popular ladies are able to pocket the profits from their 'personal sales'.

Of course, given all these Dickensian working conditions (on a par with chimney sweeps if you ask me),  they have been advised to sue .... this is America after all. Especially if they believe that by undergoing and failing said 'jiggle test' they didn't actually get the job, were made to sit on the bench, or feel demeaned in some other way. So now three trial lawsuits have gone in against the NFL, citing that the complainants:
  1. Aren't compensated fairly for their work, and
  2. Are subject to degrading work conditions, and unwanted sexual contact.
  3. That they often have to pay for certain beauty products such as skin tanning sessions and gels for fair skinned dancers.
  4. Pay up front for their promotional calendars, and therefore lose money if they don't all sell.
  5. Are asked to do 'voluntary' promotional work, which is in effect unpaid labour.
In the end, said a lawyer representing some of the girls, it doesn't matter that there are thousands of women lining up to do the job, or that they get perks by being associated with the NFL, but 'The NFL isn't just about football. It's about pageantry and spectacle, and above all, commerce, bringing in $9bn (£5.3bn) last year. The cheerleaders, she says, should get their share' ..... ah, that's the important bit 'get their share'.

Well suing will no doubt bring a bit of sanity to a world gone mad ....

The Future Belongs To Us

Poor old Mexico .... drug cartels everywhere you look, engaged in a low level civil war with those same cartels that is seemingly endless, and has cost tens of thousands of lives, and yet unbelievably that isn't its biggest problem.

SNTE Union Protects Its Interests
SNTE Union Protects Its Interests

No, it is in fact a very bloated, very corrupt trades union. One that has had a massive influence over the  way civic Mexico has developed for the last 70 years, and will also develop in the next 50 as well.

Voodoo Murders

In the past I have frequently attacked the members of Islamic societies such as Saudi Arabia, for believing in 'Witchcraft', and killing people for no crime at except upsetting their religious superstitions, so it would be wrong not to continue to point out when Christians, and other Non Muslims do exactly the same thing ......

Belief In Voodoo Is Strong In Brazil ....
Belief In Voodoo Is Strong In Brazil ....

.... I won't even try to publish the pictures as they are sickening.

Friday 6 June 2014

Modesty Forbids

We have seen Iranians complaining that Western women's dress appearances are too rude for Iranian male religious sensibilities on a number of occasions, mostly around sports such as the Winter Olympics, and the World Cup. We have even seen them altering pictures that showed too much contact between an Iranian male, and the non Muslim widow of a family friend, when he offered the simple hand of comfort during her grieving.

However what I hadn't realised until recently, was that there is in fact apparently an entire industry in many arenas of the Iranian media for photo-shop experts, whose sole task is to carefully censor pictures of non Muslim women that have to be shown in the Iranian media, to make them look like Muslims ... or rather, to make them appear to conform to the dress codes of a Muslim woman.

Examples exposed by the press have ranged from the sublime to the ridiculous with the modest Michelle Obama getting the treatment .....

Mrs Obama Before and After the Censorship

Then there was the even more modest and matronly European Union foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton who also offended their dress sensibilities.

Catherine Ashton Before and After Press Censorship

Oh and in case you were wondering how they deal with these issues on TV .... well they either just pan away from shots of Western women (and even their own females in the case of coverage of the country's successful female volleyball team, with complaints over the "un-Islamic" clothes worn by women, in the crowd of a tournament held in Sardinia .... although this probably means the non-muslim women), or they simply blur them out .... Mrs Ashton gets the treatment again.

Mrs Ashton Blurred From History ....

I don't think I really have to add a comment to all of this abnormal behaviour ..... there are almost times when I actually feel sorry for them to live in such a world and with such a sad world view of half of the human race  .... but only almost.

Jolly Tasty Drinkie

Globalisation's down-side can come in unexpected forms as the Chinese are discovering. They seem to  suffer from the French disease of 'language purity' (I understand that the Spanish try it was well via the Real Academia del Idioma), and are finding that in a world full of Anglo-Saxon 'English speakers' who wilfully pick up, create and drop words by the hundreds every year, its near impossible to stop these words invading the Chinese language as well.

So iPad and iTunes and YouTube (all brand names, rather than actual words), have invaded the language untouched by translations, whereas Coca Cola is 'tasty and jolly' in Chinese ... ironically many of the brand terms that are 'translated', are meaningless terms in English.

Jolly Tasty Drinkie!

In the long term, in any battle between a pictographic language and a phonetic language like English, there can only be one eventual winner. Where would English be without other people's words! - taxi, yacht, pyjama, mutton, orthodontist the list is endless ...including bamboo, Ketchup and tea. English wouldn't be the driving force that it is today if it hadn't embraced "foreign" words from just about everywhere.

In Wales, Welsh is force fed to the school population, despite it being all but dead, and they do the same nonsense with Gaelic in the Celtic fringes ... or in England, teaching French to the English. In the real world, Spanish (Americas), German (Europe) or Chinese (Trade) are the only viable alternatives to English, with "Ich bin ein Englander" (I am a monkey wrench) giving us shades of JFK's "Ich bin ein Berliner" (I am a doughnut).

Welcome to 'Globalisation' China ... you can't have your cake and eat it. Top economy, means global influences .... oh and good luck trying to export Chinese phrases or words nowadays, as you are only selling us our own inventions cheaper, not the brand new concepts that create new words.

Heart Of Darkness

James Hall, is a retired colonel and former UK military attaché to Nigeria, and was a UK military officer who has worked closely with the Nigerian military. 
Nigerian Army Troop Carrier - Not Much Differnt From Terrorists
Nigerian Army Troop Carrier

So when he gave the  BBC an interview about the hostage situation and Boko Haram, he should be listened to. Firstly he says they are stuck in a 'Catch-22 situation' when dealing with Boko Haram. 

The Price Of Freedom

The French are commemorating and acknowledging, the loss of lives caused by Allied bombings during the Second World War for the first time, during the D Day remembrances this week. The estimated death toll is around 57,000 French civilians (which some unkindly, and untruthfully have said was more than the French army casualties resisting the Germans), which is comparable to the 60,500, that the British lost as a result of Luftwaffe bombing over the same period.

I can almost feel the first stirrings of the legal aid lawyers in the UK, preparing the compensation claims against the British, Canadians and US governments, for carrying out what one commentator, Andrew Knapp, history professor at the UK's University of Reading, has described in the following terms: "It's fairly clear, that on the basis of the treaties we have signed now - not the treaties we had signed then - some of these raids would be eligible for the category of war crimes."

Le Havre - Bombed By Allies 1944

However I would suggest that not only did the allies have a right to bomb (under the conventions of the time), but that the casualty figures demonstrably show that they did take care greater care in their bombing of France than might have normally been the case .... partly because Winston Churchill worried that Anglo-French relations might be soured for decades if the bombing was wilful. See General de Gaulle to understand that worry. The actual figures, are that approx. 75,000 tonnes of German bombs were dropped on the UK (including Hitler's V missiles), during the war, while in France, it's around 518,000 tonnes dropped by the UK and USA while attacking German troops etc.

Now by my simple maths 60,500 / 75,000 = 0.81 civilian deaths per explosive tonne dropped in the UK, by the Germans, who definitely took no care whatsoever.

Whereas 57,000 / 518,000 = 0.11 deaths civilian per explosive tonne in France, from bombs dropped by the allies .... a ratio of nearly 8 times as few deaths caused by the allies per tonne of explosive.

The Price Of Freedom Was Not Cheap For France

However, its a funny thought, that if the second world war was fought today, France would be permanently an occupied country, as the Western powers wouldn't be able to bomb the Germans in France enough to invade under current rules of war .... that’s what PC politics, and Health and Safety concerns have done to us.