Friday 23 February 2024

Who Are We Looking For?

In late September 2021, fifty year old Beyhan Mutlu, who had been drinking with friends in Bursa province in Western Turkey, decided to go for a walk in a local forest .....

Confused Searcher Beyhan Mutlu
Confused Searcher Beyhan Mutlu.

..... instead of going straight home, without telling anyone, including his wife.

E=MC2 (Where C = Chipbutty)

Now while we were fighting a world in pandemic and are now  staring down the barrel of threatened nuclear obliteration (from Russia), the scientists at the Nottingham Trent University came up with the following formula.

... now you might be wondering what wonder of the future that this formula will unlock?

More Unintended Consequences

When the Right Wing/Conservative majority US Supreme Court, struck down a nationwide right to abortion in 2022, by overturning Roe v Wade, the law which had guaranteed the constitutional right to abortion up to the point of foetal viability (about 23-25 weeks), it was only a matter of time before some US states would go further in their local laws.

Women's Rights Are Human Rights
Women's Rights, Are Human Rights

So the news, that in Alabama, the state Supreme Court has now ruled that frozen embryos are considered to be 'children' and that a person could now be held to be legally liable, for accidentally destroying them, should not be a real surprise to anyone .... after all that's been the direction of travel all along.

Friday 16 February 2024

The Female Of The Species ....

That the female of the species is more deadlier than the male is a given (at least according to Kipling, and in the song) ....

The Worlds Most Deadly Animal
The Worlds Most Deadly Animal.

..... but only women, would dare to claim that they are routinely cleverer than males (😂).

Its All Greek To Me

The Greeks, like all of Europe, and especially the other Mediterranean countries are fanatical about football ('soccer' USA) ..... 

Greek Football Is Passionate And Violent
Greek Football Is Passionate And Violent

..... they attend matches and support their clubs with often fanatical (and sometimes violent) passions.

Police Force?

Jordan Walker Brown, a 26 year old was fleeing from the police in Haringey, North London, and had scaled a wall to escape, when he was tasered by a police officer.

Police Tasers - The Alternative To Guns
Police Tasers - The Alternative To Guns

He fell and hurt his back, and was left paralysed from the waist down. The police officer was later charged with Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH), and it went to a court case. 

Friday 9 February 2024

Plant Clippings

When I am collecting stories (from the press, or other media), as possible post ideas for this blog, I am usually left with some that are really just one or two sentences ...

Meripilus Giganteus
Meripilus Giganteus

... so I have collated the plant clippings into a pot pourri post.

Doggone Genius Genus

Man's Best friend is supposedly the dog ......

Man's Best Friend - The Wife Or The Dog?
Man's Best Friend - The Wife Or The Dog?

..... and I certainly have come across men, who would say, well it certainly isn't the wife!

The State Of Relationships

According to a report commissioned by make up company RapidLash .... 

What Most Women Fear
What Most Women Fear

One in 20 British men have never seen their significant female other, without their make-up on, and ladies will usually leave it a full month before they 'go bare' in front of their 'new' other half.

Friday 2 February 2024

The Rat Pack

A woman living in her van near Del Mar in San Diego, California (street living, is now a major issue in many US cities), wanted some company so had obtained two pet rats, as they took up little space and cost little to feed. 

The Unnamed 'Rat' Lady
The Unnamed 'Rat' Lady

However the two rats were a boy and a girl, and nature took its normal course and four weeks later a litter was born. 

Beer Is Best

There are apparently up to 50 million 'good' bacteria in some bottles of beer .... 

Medieval Brewing Broom Was A Welcome Sight To The Thirsty
Medieval Brewers Made A Healthy Product.

 ....... so these probiotics are a good reason to drink at least one bottle a day .... Yeah!!

The Worst Ever Smell

What is the worst smell in the world? Well, I once smelt a dead sheep in a field in spring, after a snow melt uncovered its bloated remain .....
Satan's Backside On A Throne Of Rotting Vegetables
Satan's Backside On A
Throne Of Rotting Vegetables
..... that was a pretty bad stench, but it was outdoors so somewhat mitigated by the wind.