Sunday 8 March 2009

SA "Land Reform" aka 'State Organised Theft', fails

South Africa like its 'revolutionary' comrade Zimbabwe, has a policy of 'land redistribution' (from white owners to black owners), which although nowhere near as violent as Zimbabwe's has proved just as pointless. Following apartheid, the ANC government had set a target of handing 30% of all agricultural land back to the black majority, by 2014.

Well guess what? After they handed over around 95% of the targeted land, the vast majority has simply gone out of production, and has lain idle for years. Yes the whole thing has resulted in less food being produced, and white farmers are still being attacked by "Activists".

Now the South African government has been forced to act by declaring it will seize back any idle land with the Agriculture Minister, Lulu Xingwanat, stating "I have... instructed my directors general to, with immediate effect, implement the principle of use it or lose it. Therefore, those who do not use the land must immediately be removed and the land must be given to emerging farmers and co-operatives."

What a condemnation of the political nature of land grabs .... in Zimbabwe its been confirmed as 'racist' by the regional courts, and has resulted in a complete collapse of all farming, so that the country is now a food aid recipient. Now that SA has acknowledged the failure of its scheme, maybe the political pressure to steal from whites will cease ..... or maybe not.

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