Sunday 20 December 2009

Amr Khaled - The Islamic Billy Graham

Some might think that I am unduly harsh on religions, especially Islam and the Anglicans, well I am as happy to point out any of the positives of religious belief as well, when I see them.

For instance, who in the West would have thought that in the Islamic world there are lots of Muslim "TV Evangelists"? I'll be honest and admit that if I had thought of it at all, I would have assumed that they would be stern hard-men (Khomeini style), calling for all Jews to be cleared from the Earth, and for the West to burn in hell.

Which just goes to show that you can be completely wrong. It appears that TV Evangelism is sweeping the Muslim world and is generally more 'liberal' (with a small 'l') than the Mosque based mullahs. The 'Billy Graham' of Muslim Evangelism is Amr Khaled, an Egyptian who naturally has had to leave his homeland because the local Mullahs don't approve i.e. his safety is at threat.

The secret of Mr Khaled's success is that he uses the local vernacular (as opposed to 'classical') Arabic, and appeals to the young directly by wearing casual suits and clothes, unlike traditional preachers. His success has spawned copycat local preachers, all of whom emphasise personal conduct and social responsibility as the hall marks of being a good Muslim, rather the ritualistic approach and recitations from the Koran in traditional preaching.

"It's a bit like the reform in Christianity in the Middle Ages. You move away from external authority to the individuals role in interpreting texts, in finding his or her way in life." says political scientist and writer Ezz El Din Shoukri.

As long as the message is peaceful, tolerant and modernising, then I for one applaud this trend .... although I doubt that it be them who influence the future of Islam.


  1. These guys kind of get swept away when the4 radicals turn up.

    Probably another 300 yrs should see a 'tolerant' islam emerge somewhere.

    1. You were right .... its all gone hard line in the Middle East and rest of the Muslim world, in the last decade.

    2. Moderates never survive a rise in fundamentalism. Thanks for the comment.


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