Monday 14 December 2009

Another Foot In Another Bishops Mouth

Once the Church of England (CoE) gets going, it can't stop sticking its collective foot in its mouth.

Rowan Williams Supported Sharia Law
Rowan Williams

Last year Rowan Williams suggested that elements of Sharia Law should be incorporated into UK law, and got slated into an apology. Now the Reverand Stephen Venner, the Church of England’s new Bishop to the Forces to the armed forces has had to apologise over comments he made in the Daily Telegraph about how the Taliban could be admired for their "conviction to their faith".

I can well imagine how some elements of the Taliban beliefs, such as their unswerving belief in a violent and backward religion, could look attractive to some members of the lily-livered CoE, but suggesting that elements of Sharia law, or admiring the strength of Muslims belief in that system, just seems to highlight the weakness of current Protestant Christian beliefs.

Oh, and just in case he has forgotten, the Taliban also believe in much the same thing as the general Muslim population of the area (but without the 'liberalism' on girls education). This Poll undertaken in Pakistan this year shows 83% support for Stoning Adulterers, 80% support whipping / cutting off hands for thieves, 78% support the Death penalty for leaving (or denying Islam), and 71% support Sharia Law (with religious judges).

Pakistan Opinion poll (13/08/09)

Pakistan Poll 2009
Pakistan Poll 2009

This includes a very firm way of handling the "Gay Bishop's" issue once and for all (with the application of some old time religion followed by death), which would not be popular with the liberal wing of the C of E.

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