Saturday 5 December 2009

Benito's Brain

Recently I posted on the whereabouts of the remains of Adolf Hitler, and the demise of Stalin. So my attention was immediately drawn when in one of those strange coincidences that we all encounter, a story surfaced this week that Benito Mussolini's brain and other physical remains had been stolen for sale on the Internet.

Benito's Brain Gone Missing ....

With the initial price requested for the material at 15,000 euros ($22,000; £13,000), the listing, on EBay, was said to include images of a wooden container and ampoule's of blood. EBay, said that the listing was removed within hours.

So there you are, Hitlers bits could be anywhere (probably lost), Stalin's embalmed and buried in a wall, and Mussolini's parts were offered up on EBay, and Hirohitos got a state funeral.


  1. Bring me the head of Benito mussolini ..... now where have I heard that before?

  2. Wasn't it "Alfredo Garcia"?

  3. I think you'll find it was "John the Baptist"

  4. Good guess Kev, but Bring me the head of Alfredo Garcia seems to be the right one.

    I don't remember the movie "Bring Me the head of John the Baptist".


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