Saturday 12 December 2009

Hell TV Has Arrived .... In Saudi Arabia

Still on things you can't make up.

Hell TV Has Arrived
Hell TV Has Arrived

Saudi TV channel 'Awtan TV' has decided that its female presenters cause too much deviant thought amongst the red-blooded males of Arabia by showing their faces, so .............
Note the fact that they even have to wear gloves, as hands are also erotic turn ons in the land of the sexual deviants.

A Scene From Hell TV?
Doesn't this look like a scene from hell TV?

Don't say that you haven't been warned what's coming girls, there are those who would treat you like this living here now, and they are growing in numbers everyday.


  1. Its frightening. What sort of sicko's are these people?

    Also why do the 'presenters' have to wear gloves while the picture in the background shows 'naked' hands?

  2. Actually, that point about the 'naked hands' is a good one, why do they cover up but show naked body parts? It doesn't make sense, but then none of the rest of their behaviour does either.

    However, this form of madness is seen increasingly in the UK, how long beore its compulsory to employ these nutcases?

  3. If you heve ever been to Blackburn, parts of Preston or London you will see this behaviour everyday.

    1. It's hard to imagine why any woman would submit to this dress code. Thanks for the comment.


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