Saturday 12 December 2009

Life On Mars? I'm Betting Yes

The evidence continues to mount that there is still organic life on Mars.

Whilst not definitive, each piece of evidence points at the possibility but as a group its becomes even stronger.

Recently, I blogged on Methane on Mars coming from one of two sources:
  1. The first is geochemistry.
  2. The second is biology.
Well evidence suggests that biology is still a strong possibility, with the news that Meteors are not cause of the methane.

As the study co-author Mark Sephton says. "As Sherlock Holmes said, eliminate all other factors and the one that remains must be the truth. The list of possible sources of methane gas is getting smaller and excitingly, extraterrestrial life still remains an option".

How I hope to be alive when the first life on another planet is found, and yet another set of planets have been found this week.

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