Sunday 27 December 2009

US Airliner Attack - UK Connections?

It being the holiday season I was laying low on my blogging, but the news that a Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, has tried to blow himself up on a US airliner has forced me from my inertia.

Sadly he's not the first Muslim to attempt to blow up an airliner and he probably won't be the last, so its not that which drew my attention, no what interested me was the fact that the bomber appears to have been led down the path of 'radicalisation' while studying in the UK.

He was a well supported and regarded student at Imperial College London until 2008, but during or after that period, his father became sufficiently disturbed by his sons views, for him to allegedly report his son to the US authorities.

The bomber is reported as being denied a UK visa this summer when he attempted to claim student status again for one of our numerous 'bogus colleges' and that should surely have raised some alarm bells .....

I would suggest that the authorities should take a close look at the contacts he made and the mosques Mr Abdulmutallab attended while in the UK, as well as those abroad because it can't just be a coincidence that a well regarded student, should end up as a wannabe suicide bomber attempting to use the same chemical explosive method as Richard Reid the British 'shoe bomber' who attended the Finsbury Park mosque (run by Sheikh Abu Hamza).

Although the evidence suggests his radicalisation took place in Lome before he came to the UK, and later in the Yemen where he went to 'study', it seems unlikely that while in the UK he didn't come into contact with either extremist literature or Imans.

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