Sunday 8 August 2010

Wheres The Justice?

Buried on the UK North / Manchester pages of the BBC web site (its too obviously a race story that the PC brigade don't want to have publicized) is this tale of Pakistani men ... grooming, beating, gang raping and drugging a 13 yr old girl .... on the BBC radio this story was related with only a small reference to the race of the victim and the men.

The BBC is truly pathetic when it has to deal with stories that it finds uncomfortable to deal with .... especially ones that suggest that Muslim males don't act nicely, or may be targeting white girls for racially motivated sex attacks.

Until the BBC start reporting facts as they are and not as the PC brigade would want us to pretend that they are, they will continue to slide into disrepute .... the local press, and local people in the North have complained about this thing going on for years, and even the odd local labour MP have raised it, but the BBC ignores or denies its happening because
  • Its the North (and their all stupid racists, aren't they), and
  • its not happening in London, so it not real is it. 
The saddest part is the claim that "well it happens to other communities" form of denial .... the difference is that its not Muslim girls when white paedophile gangs do it, its only the Muslim Asian males who consider white girls to be worthless and therefore acceptable to attack.

The other thing about this terrible crime is that for some reason, even though this was a 13 yr old, its still not described as a paedophile crime .... just forced prostitution, but if it was a white gang it would be a paedophile  ring and they would get double the sentences and be on the sex offenders register .....

Nine men convicted at Manchester Crown Court in connection with the abuse were:

  •  Aftab Khan, 31, of Tarporley Avenue, Fallowfield pleaded guilty to one count of controlling a child prostitute and one count of sexual activity with a child. He was sentenced to nine years in prison. This was later reduced to seven years on appeal.
  • Abid Khaliq, 30, of Shrewsbury Street, Stretford was sentenced to eight months in prison after admitting perverting the course of justice.
  • Noorzai Ahmed, 29, of Royce Court, Hulme was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of paying for the sexual services of a child.
  • Mohammed Anwar Safi, 29, of no fixed address, was sentenced to 31 months in prison after admitting paying for the sexual services of a child
  • Mohammed Khan, 26, of Royce Court, Hulme was sentenced to four years in prison after he was found guilty of facilitating child prostitution.
  • Najibullah Safi, 33, of Reabrook Avenue, West Gorton was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child.
  • Asad Yousaf Hassa, 28, of Rivington Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting two counts of sexual activity with a child.
  • Mohammed Basharat, 28, of Prospect Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after he pleaded guilty to sexual activity with a child under 16.
  • Mohammed Atif, 29, of Rivington Street, Rochdale was sentenced to two years in prison after admitting to sexual activity with a child.
This blog has reported on this issue before and this is the second such story this year, and in both cases the punishments have not reflected either the crimes, nor been commensurate with the same crimes committed by white males. These men should be on the sex offenders register but instead, despite the young age of the victim, they are treated as though its an adult vice ring.

Wheres the justice?

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