In George Orwell's dystopian future described in the novel "1984", the
phrase "Big Brother is watching you" is constantly brought to the attention of the people, to remind them that this is the core "truth" of the security system in this state.
Big Brother |
There were moments when it seemed to be a prophetic vision of the inevitable furure, especially in the late 1960's to the mid 1970's, when the 'Cold War' was at its height (and we seemed to be losing), with the IRA bombing campaigns in the mainland, mass industrial unrest led by big Trade Unions, and rumours of preparations of a coup against the Labour government having been planned.
These allegations of coups later came to light in March 1981, when the
Sunday Times carried an article which suggested that there were preparations made in 1968 for a military coup d’état in Britain against the Labour Party and Wilson government. Interestingly, in 1982 the British
politician Chris Mullin published his book 'A Very British Coup' ..... in which a leftwing working class prime minister finds that the army, industrialists, press barons and MI5 plot to bring him down. Just coincidence.
I never really thought that I might see this become a reality in the Britain, well at least under a non-leftwing government, but today the Conservative Liberal Alliance government announced plans to allow the security service to real time monitor the calls, emails, texts and website visits of everyone in the UK, without a warrant from a judge. They can't see the content or actually listen to the phone calls without a warrant, but they can demand to know from suppliers (ISP's or Phone companies), who a person called, how often, for how long. Similarly, they will be able to know the email addresses that are being contacted, how often and if they reply. Finally they can request the web addresses that someone visits, and again how often.
Is Watching You |
Now I am not a complete idiot, I can see why this information would be useful against terrorists, drug traffickers etc etc ..... but this information is currently available to the security services now, but via a warrant from a judge i.e. Only after proving that they have reasonable suspicion of a crime being planned or committed.
What makes this legislation pernicious is that effectively it allows the state security system to mount 'data fishing' type expeditions against the citizens of the UK, simply out of curiosity ... they can build up dossiers on any and everyone, without ever needing to visit a judge to know the actual content of emails or calls.
Now if its true that there are only
six degrees of separation between anyone and someone else (not really true when you think of it, but mathematically plausible within a set group or society such as a country), then it would be comparatively easy to justify snooping on you or me, by proving a connection with a known criminal or terrorist.
For example,
- You work with a Muslim member of staff who you are friendly with,
- Who attends a certain mosque,
- Where the Iman has attended same madrassa as a radical Islamic cleric,
- Who gives DVD/Internet lectures that radicalise UK Muslims,
- Where a follower of this cleric launches a terrorist attack.
So you are monitored with all your telephone calls, emails, texts and website visits under security services scrutiny .... and of course now that you are monitored as 'suspect', then your family should be monitored as well, and their contacts .... and so on and so on, until everyone is being monitored. And all because there is no longer a requirement to prove a criminal activity is under-way.
We should all resist this act because its the first step towards the state Orwell was warning about. Start up or Sign a petition at
HM Government e-petitions or
contact your MP (or
here), and get them to resist it.
Watching You |
Big Brother Really Is Watching You!