Friday 29 June 2012

Ashamed Of British Justice

We are quite insane in the UK, that's the only conclusion anyone can draw from the fact that someone already deported from the UK, can turn up in the UK again to claim asylum because he was a supporter of the old Gaddafi regime .....Yes Dr Saleh Ibrahim Mabrouk, who was deported for his connection to the killing of a British policewoman PC Yvonne Fletcher in 1984, has managed to enter the country and claim asylum for fraud charges in Libya. The new regime believe that Dr Ibrahim left Libya a few days before the fall of Tripoli, carrying around $200m (£130m) with him.

Dr Saleh Ibrahim Mabrouk - Wanted For Fraud

What other country is so unable to close its borders? What other country has such legal loop holes based upon human rights laws, that they are forced to accept the worst from around the world, and then spend millions on housing them, giving them welfare benefits, and providing them defence lawyers to contest against our own laws?

We have still have Julian Assange ducking and diving in an attempt to avoid rape charges in Sweden, by claiming he faces persecution either there, or because they would then ignore his human rights, and deport him to the tyranny of the United Sates of America .... he has since done a runner and tried to claim asylum from that leader of democracy and human rights, Ecuador. I hope his backers lose their bail money, we certainly have lost millions trying to get him out of the UK.

Julian Assange - Democrat or sex offender

And to cap another great day in this human rights paradise, an American/Irish citizen who is accused of raping a 14-year-old girl and sexually molesting two 11-year-old boys in Minnesota between 1993 and 1994, Shawn Sullivan, who the US wanted back to face court and treatment for his paedophilia, has been freed by UK judges.

Shawn Sullivan - wanted for Child Sex Offences
Sullivan, who has a conviction for sexually assaulting two 12-year-old girls in Ireland, claimed that the paedophile treatment programme he faced in Minnesota, would breach his human rights. The judges agreed, and he is now free to wander the UK. I expect that if he rapes any children again, they will be free to sue the government (but not the judges), for their human rights being breached, so that's OK then.

Oh, and the reason he can stay here? .... When he was arrested, he was living with Ministry of Justice policy manager Sarah Smith, she then married him while he was in prison, thus giving him UK rights. You can hardly credit it can you ...

All these episodes are reasons to be ashamed of our justice system, and not a matter of national pride as some politicians would have us believe.

Cold War Thinking

Its one of the more perplexing questions of the current strife in Syria that Russia continues to back the Assad regime against all comers .... there is no oil (and in any case Russia is a net exporter), and its not a rich country so why the reluctance to contemplate regime change? On the face of it, their siding with the regime is only likely to lead to the next regime (if anti Assad), rejecting them completely, and thus defeat any objectives that Russia has in the area.

A couple of reasons why the support, have been defence contracts of over $1bn, and continued access to the port of Tartus (a medium size deep water Mediterranean port that can't berth an aircraft carrier) .... but neither reasons hold water. The contracts would have to be honoured by any regime, and in fact if the regime is radical and Islamist then they will want the Russian weapons even more as insurance against Israel and to stop American influence over their foreign policies.

The Port Of Tartus In Syria - Worth Supporting Pres. Assad for?

No, the answer lies in the old cold war ... Russia's current leadership is all rooted in the Soviet era (Putin was a KGB operative), and this whole policy, which is obviously going to backfire as it stands, is based upon the old Soviet idea of stopping the west having influence and denying them another port .... as I have pointed out, there current policy may actually lead to the next regime rejecting them as allies, so it makes no sense to pursue this policy except as an example of old 'Cold War' thinking.

Car for Africar

In a sign that not everything in the African world is chaos, a western worker has encouraged investment in the Mobius 2 -

Mobius 2 - Car For Africa
Mobius 2 - Car For Africa

A rugged range rover styled car for the African masses (well middle classes) ....... a no frills car, that's adaptable to Africans, and more especially to African roads. To me it still seems pricey, but there is a burgeoning middle class built on corruption in South Africa, but on more sustainable models in many other African states, for whom $6,000 is not an insurmountable amount.

Who knows, maybe this is the start of a revolution in Africa, whereby it starts making its own things .... if so, its about time.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Signs From The Gods

If you do happen to believe in auguries and don't happen to live in Saudi Arabia then the signs for the resolution of the Greek Debt crisis are not good.

Mr Samaras and Mr Rapanos - Sign From Goddess Adikia

The new Prime Minister apparently found that he couldn't see straight, and went in to hospital to have surgery on Saturday morning. The surgery was to repair a damaged retina in one of his eyes and he's expected back at work by Tuesday at the latest.

Then, if that wasn't enough, the new Finance Minister, Vassilis Rapanos was also admitted to hospital after apparently fainting on Friday, and complaining of nausea, intense abdominal pain, dizziness and weakness. He was originally due to be sworn in on Saturday, but obviously won't be until next week now as his condition is said to be "stable and improving".

So it appears that the prime minister took one look at the problems and damaged his eyes, while the finance minister, also took a look for himself and collapsed ..... all this as Greece prepares to receive a team of auditors from the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank to assess reforms.

Coincidence, or just a sign from the goddess Adikia?

Multitasking - Definitions

Womans definition: A woman performing several tasks, all at the same time, and achieving perfection in all - an ability that no man can ever master.

Multitasking - the womans view of their skills.

Male Definition: A woman performing several tasks, all at the same time, badly - an inability to manage tasks that no man would want to master. Often requires a man to go and correct all the damage done when the woman has left.

Multitasking - A mans view.

Friday 22 June 2012

What If ... Whites Had Never Existed?

If predictions for the future of all the European stocked lands are true, then it may be that we are in the last era when they are the majority in their own countries. By the end of the current century, the eradication of the white  races may be well under way.

The UK Future
The Future?

This is not idle speculation, nor a shock statement to hold your attention, but a simple interpolation taken from all the figures that show that mass immigration into traditionally white areas could see them
simply disappear from history.

That Old Black Magic ... is alive and well.

What a country, what a religion, and what a society ....

Saudi Torturers Behead An Innocent Indonesian Maid.
Saudi Torturers Behead An Indonesian Maid.
.... that's all you can say after the news came out that a Saudi man has been beheaded on charges of sorcery and witchcraft.

From Humans To Hobbits

More evidence that Blobbiness really does matter. Apart from the obvious health and well-being factors, the consumption of the world resources by large people (Bigger clothes, more food, more space - larger chair room on air planes for example ... the list goes on when you think about it), is a major additional drain on the worlds resources. Recent estimates suggest that currently its equal to at least 1 billion additional people on the planet .... in other words another 17% added to of the population.

And here's a fact that might shake a few people - the USA represents just 6% of the worlds population, but accounts for over 30% of its obesity .... think on that, over 30% of the worlds fatties live in the USA, while Asia accounts for 61% of the global population, but it only accounts for 13% of the weight of the world due to obesity. In fact based upon World Health Organization data from 2005, its been calculated that the average global body weight was 137lb (62kg). But there were huge regional differences. In North America, the average was 178lb (80.7kg), while in Asia it was 127lb (57.7kg) ....

So what happens when the resources available no longer meet a societies needs?

Well obviously, initially scarcity and hoarding push up the prices, creating vast wealth for those who control and have the resources, while great suffering for those who don't, or who can't afford to get them .... then, if the supply issue isn't resolved quickly, and its food, petrol or drinking water that's in shortage, comes the fighting, as first nations, then individuals try to get enough of the resource to meet their actual or perceived needs. Famines, and societal collapses, would appear around the globe once the fighting broke into inter-communal, and individual family levels.

The Evolution Future, From Humans to Hobbit?
The Future, From Humans to Hobbit?

Then in the much longer term, a smaller race may emerge, with growth restricted by diets (rather than birth control, which humans rarely practise), with less protein and calories available .... there is evidence for this dwarfism happening to different mammal groups who experienced restricted protein for any length of time, with both the hobbit people of Indonesia, and the mini mammoths of the Cretan islands, where in both cases, restricted food supplies led to smaller and smaller individuals to keep the population numbers in tune with the resources available. 
If we carry on consuming the equivalent of 1.5 of the Earth's resources, resource famine for both humans and other creatures inhabiting this planet will be inevitable.

Friday 15 June 2012

Mexican Wave

Most of us are now aware that Mexico is in the middle of a major war with the drug cartels, and indeed another journalist, Victor Baez was found murdered yesterday. This is just another sad statistic amongst the murder rate of 16,700 last year.

But what many don't realise in all this reported carnage, is that Mexico is doing OK in South American terms. No really, all the figures show that despite all the problems:

  • The murder rate is nearly 20 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, but this is significantly lower than in Brazil, Colombia, and Puerto Rico.
  • The Central American nations of Belize, Guatemala and Honduras have murder rates nearly twice that of Mexico.
  • It is still the number one destination for US citizens travelling abroad with more than 20 million visits by Americans last year, with an estimated one million US citizens residing permanently in Mexico. 

US Holiday Makers - Mexico Bound

  • It is the seventh largest oil producer and the third biggest oil supplier to the US market.
  • More US export-based jobs depend on Mexico than on any other country except Canada.
  • Mexico has seen an expansion of its middle class with income levels, currently around $13,000 (£8,350) per capita,
  • Mexican investors now own major US brands.
  • Spanish is on course to be the most spoken language in the USA

and of course they hold Zombie Walks. So things can't be so bad ..... I just thought I would document the other side of the story. Maybe Mexicans can wave goodbye to the constant bad news stories.

Google Bomb An English Person

As someone once said, if you don't want to hear bad about yourself, don't eavesdrop.

The modern equivalent of this has to be googling yourself. Personally I don't even have a linkedin account, let alone facebook or twitter, therefore I can't get the vicarious thrill of seeing my name lit up in a small part of the www firmament, that will be forever me.

However, someone sent me a game, in which what the rest of the world think of your nation can be uncovered e.g

  • French Person - top result 'French People' - wikipedia, followed by images for French people.
  • German person - top result 'Translation of person in German, followed by Images for German person.

Now try the same for 'English person' ...... top result ....... Eeek! I have saved it because Google will no doubt act and remove this result, but its already been picked up by the media.

Caution - rude word

Personally, I think it makes one proud to be English.

But sadly its not actually a true reflection of what people think of us (outside of France and Argentina that is), but is in fact what's known as a "Google Bomb". These are created by many users back linking to the search result to give it a high ranking. So although this is a genuine result, it would have been maybe page 25 of the results, until it was manipulated by a campaign to force it to become the top result for the term 'English person'.

Actually, why are these perfectly clean 'Anglo-Saxon' words for female body parts 'swearing', while the Latin words e.g. Vagina, acceptable? Answer, because we were beaten by the norsemen aka 'Normans' in 1066, who brought us the Latin French of the lands they had conquered in France a couple of generations earlier. So the language of the conquerer became the accepted 'clean' medical versions, and the oppressed 'English' words were the vulgar dirty words. That's how history works, to the victor the spoils .... literally.   

Anyway, this 'Google bomb' got a laugh in our office today, which shows that unlike most nations, who react like crazy to any slight to their pride e.g. Argentina, we just laughed and shrugged .... now that makes one proud to be English.

Health And Safety Rules .... OK?

Health and safety rules used to be restricted to major engineering sites, car plants, steel mills and the like, but as the UK's industrial base collapsed in the 1980's, the jobsworths of the Health and Safety executive cast about for new worlds to conquer.

Two Brave Firemen Wade Into Waist Deep Water Level 2 Certificates In Hand.
Two Brave Firemen Wade Into Waist
Deep Water Level 2 Certificates In Hand.

Finally, with the aid of their allies in the human resources departments in every town hall in the land, they conquered first the office,s and then in the ultimate in absurdity the police, firemen and finally the armed forces.

Creationist In White House

How long have we been on the earth?

Well  the Christian scholars in bible studies (Bishop Usher et al).....have always said about 6,000 years old (as do many 'intelligent design' proponents as they are largely one and the same groups) ... Sunday, October 23, 4004 BC to be precise (although other Bible  scholars have come up with date ranges of 3761 BC (Jose ben Halafta), 3952 BC (the venerable Bede), and 3949 BC (Usher's near-contemporary Scaliger), even scientists such as Johannes Kepler or Sir Isaac Newton  had a go (c 3992 BC and c. 4000 BC respectively).

Modern science on the other hand, puts the age of the Earth as billions of years, and modern humanity alone in the hundreds of thousands of years (that's ignoring the Neanderthals and earlier direct lineage human species). The latest reports on rock art in Spain and Portugal dates some of it at about 40,000 years ago.

40,000 yr Old Hand Rock Art - Spain

Now either the science is just completely and utterly wrong, and the world was created around 6,000 years ago, or the creationists are complete nut cases (I know what I think). What makes this interesting is that all US Presidents have to profess a belief in a God (usually Christian .... although many still believe that Obama is a secret Muslim), but can't actually say out loud whether they believe the Bible is right or wrong on the matter.

Creationist Noah and His Ark Full Of Dinosaurs

This belief in the creationist theory rises significantly the more Protestant the Christians get. So for example in the US only 8% of Jehovahs Witnesses believe in the theory of Evolution, and only 22% of Mormons .....  which means that about 20% of Americans claim that the Bible is the only correct explanation for the origin of the Earth and humans. ... we have plenty of these creationists here in the UK, but they only ever turn up on blogs and discussion websites.

But what makes this really interesting is that Mitt Romney, Republican Presidential nominee, is from a very high profile and important Mormon family (his great, great grandfather Miles was one of the earliest converts to Mormonism in England in 1837) ... maybe he will be the first to go public and declare himself a creationist?

Friday 8 June 2012

The Prison Race

I have recently been a bit of a fan of pictures that tell more of a story than a superficial glance gives the viewer ....

The Last Mile' Programme Participants And Program Leaders
'The Last Mile' Programme Participants And Program Leaders

The picture above is from the start up of prison reform program at at San Quentin prison called 'The Last Mile' programme, which aims to educate selected inmates about social media, technology and entrepreneurship ... apparently all without access to a computer!

Love Warriors

In India, arranged marriages are the norm .... in the West we might even call them forced marriages, but in any event, the idea of a 'love match' is almost totally rejected, and its just a happy circumstance if the 'happy couple' happen to be actually in love or even friendly. Cross caste weddings are even rarer, and certainly never for love.

The list of hurdles for a half way decent middle class marriage to take place includes these sort of check list items:
  • Caste
  • Complexion / Colour
  • Horoscope
  • Height
  • Character
  • Qualifications
  • Family
  • Eating / Dietary habits
  • Wealth
  • Health
... and no doubt more. Many of these items would have you cast as a racist or class snob in the West, but which are somehow acceptable if the practitioners are non white ..... multiculturalism and PC are such a load of crap.

Anyway, back to the story, in India there are a bunch, businessmen and journalists in the main, called the 'Love Commandos', who began operating 10 years ago across many Indian cities, who are a small movement to protect lovers from harassment by both Hindu and Muslim hard-liners.

How We Might Imagine 'The Love Commandos'

Disappointingly from the image, their name conjures up, in reality they are a rather portly middle aged group of 'angels', who offer practical help to lovers who contact them, including limited temporary shelter and help with civil marriages, but they are restricted by financial concerns. Rescuing lovers is both expensive and difficult. For example operations in just one city costs up to $5,000 for the month, and operating funds are always a concern.

Some Of The Real Love Commandos

Of course, getting married is often just the start of the problems for these couples, who usually can never go back to their families or former districts for fear of extreme violence (including murder), which is the same in the both the UK and West amongst many Asian families.

In the West we often say that its 'Love makes the world go round' .... well that's not true for many parts of it, but in India at least they can say that its the 'Love Commandos' who help love make the world go round.

Rebellious Nuns

We have discussed before on this Blog the impact of feminism amongst nuns .... 

Rebellious US Nuns On The War Path
Rebellious US Nuns On The War Path  ....

..... especially those in the North American continent, on the Catholic Church, and especially on the concept of 'Papal Authority'

Liberal Lessons From Kuwait

In Kuwait, the country that we trashed Iraq for in order to defend it as a bastion of rationality and liberal values (well they have oil and US President Bush was a friend of the ruling family) .....

Two Male Kuwaiti MPs Holding Hands
Kuwaiti MPs Osama al-Shahin (L) and Shaaya al-Shaaya
arrive hand-in-hand to attend a Parliament session. Nice.

... there has been another bout of modernism.

Friday 1 June 2012

Paraplegic Cure Hope

Maybe those rather snide jokes made about Christopher Reeve trying to convince himself that he could regain his ability to walk, with little actual results, were in fact misplaced. A recent study in Switzerland by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology has discovered that rats, with completely severed, but otherwise still whole spines, could, with a mixture of drugs, electrical current and mental stimulus,  completely regain the use of their motor functions below the spinal breakages.

Walking Rat - Hope For Millions

So complete was the recovery, that there must be renewed hope for millions of people around the world who have spinal injuries. One leading specialist has been quoted as saying that "We are on the edge of a truly profound advance in modern medicine: the prospect of repairing the spinal cord after injury" .... although another urged caution, and warned that in the "real world", the injuries might be "more complicated, with less tissue for new nerves to grow through" ... but even so, its a nice righteous story to end (or start) the week on.

Hungry Hungry Homer

Homers odyssey for a double gulp cola, just became a bit further than before  ...... well if he lived not in Springfield, but in New York, where there are proposals by the mayor to ban them on health grounds.

The Sugar Content Of US Drink Sizes

When you consider the sugar/calorie content of these US mega drinks - A 64-ounce (1.9-litre) Coke has 765 calories.

So does:
  • 3.8 pints of Guinness.
  • 10 hard-boiled eggs.
  • 47 teaspoons of sugar.
  • A 14-ounce sirloin steak.
  • 24.5 cups of air-popped popcorn.

You can see why they might be classed as a serious health risk  - originally intended for construction workers to take on to building sites and last all day (where they also burnt off the calories), then you can see where those extra few pounds that many Americans carry come from.

Those Big Gulps Soon Pile On The Pounds.

Somali Pirates In Suits

Shock, horror - $130m (£85m) of aid to the interim Somali government has gone 'walkies' i.e. missing, aka 'stolen'- taken by 'pirates in suits'.
  • This is Africa, these are amongst the most corrupt of all the peoples in Africa and yet people are surprised. 
  • This is after all the land where piracy has become a scourge and yet people are surprised. 
  • This is the country where kidnap and extortion are a way of life, and yet people are surprised. 

Would you give your taxes to these men? Our politicians do.

Personally I would have been shocked if the money hadn't been stolen by the officials. But then I live in the real world and not the PC La La land that most Western politicians apparently inhabit ... especially when they are handing out our taxpayers money.

French London

The French generally look down their Gallic noses at the 'Anglos' or 'les rosbifs' as they sometimes call us. However the last few years have seen wave after wave of French economic colonists arrive in the UK, to take advantage of the fact that the UK economy has generally been more dynamic than the French at creating jobs.

It seems that the French state socialism model gives perks to the few, but little to the young educated elites leaving the higher education system. In the streets around the French embassy you will find French bookshops, patisseries and pavement cafes, all patronised by parents dropping off their children at the Lycee Francais Charles de Gaulle in South Kensington. But the newcomers are not these diplomats and industrialists, but rather those who have fled France to get freedom from French bureaucracy.

Many of these economic migrants say that London's employers are more willing to give young professionals a chance ..... "If you want security and nice holidays you stay in France. If you crave adventure and want to get new skills, you come here", says the editor of

The thing that highlighted this point was the news that London is officially France's sixth biggest city by population ..... yes a greater population of French than Bordeaux, Nantes or Strasbourg. The French consulate estimates that anywhere between 300,000 and 400,000 French citizens now live in London. The last such influx of French into London was the arrival of around 50,000 Huguenots fleeing religious persecution in the 1680's. Now it appears to be economic persecution that they are fleeing in even greater numbers.

French economic migrant Huguenots arrived on beaches in the 1690's

It would be nice if the French politicians who preach about the superiority of the French system over that of the Anglo-Saxon one, would occasionally consider that 'La Gloire' might shine just a little bit more brightly in the world, if the brightest and the best of the French world were not all flocking to Londres to make their mark in the world.