Friday 25 January 2013

Cash Point

The myth and legend of the US singer Johnny Cash still makes waves after his death .... it seems that as a vocal defender of 'prisoners rights' in the US, his voice was listened to by the authorities, not so much for his high profile (there were other campaigners who were singers etc), but because there was an 'urban legend' then doing the rounds, that like the words of one of his songs, he had 'shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die'.

Johnny Cash Prison Performer and Prisoner Rights Campaigner

In fact, apart from a few nights in various 'drunk tanks' across America, the nearest he had spent to 'hard time', was when he held prison concerts such as those concerts and recordings from Folsom and San Quentin Prisons.

Johnny Cash - Drunk Tank Mugshot

Just goes to show that its often the 'legend' or 'myth', that people prefer to believe in, rather than the plain old truth.

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