Friday 8 May 2015

Wacko Waco

I am not saying that the inhabitants of the great state of Texas are just little bit to the right of Attila the Hun, but, when the Republican State Governor Greg Abbott issued a directive instructing the Texas State Guard to monitor forthcoming Federal military exercises, operation name 'Jade Helm 15', which are scheduled to begin in Texas in July, it brought a new meaning to the 'Watch the Feds' paranoia of the 'T Party' ideology.

Republican State Governor Greg Abbott
Well Founded Fears or Right Wing Paranoia?

Apparently these impending exercises drew concerns from certain political groups in the Republican Party, namely that the Federal government could be about to implement martial law, or confiscate citizens guns, both 'no no's' in the far right groups world. These fantastical ideas swept social media and apparently spooked the governor .... although why the Feds should be thought to be contemplating these unconstitutional actions I don't know.
Now I am all for rugged conservative individualism, and also for keeping the dead hand of Federal intervention at arms length. But the idea that the US army is actually the long arm of communism, is rather taking the idea of a state conspiracy, to a level that we have not formerly seen, even on the far edges of what passes for normal politics elsewhere.

State Versus Federal Forces Not A New Story In South
State Versus Federal Forces Not A New Story In South

Strangely, I recall that in the 1970's UK, the 'Loony Left' that Tony Benn was a mouth piece for, also considered the US military as agents, but not for communist forces (which they may well have welcomed), but for 'US Imperialism' which they loathed. Now as they were not called the 'Loony Left' for nothing .... it seems very strange that so many US citizens, seem happy to consider actions on the far right, such as that of ordering state guards to hold a watching brief over the US military, for signs that its about to 'take over' Texas, as normal.

An alternative and rational explanation for the US militaries activities in Texas is that by odd coincidence, the biggest US army base is 'Fort Hood', which happens to be near Waco, in Texas. Which was of course the scene of another oddball right-wing groups showdown with the federal forces ... but then that's also why, when the US army wants to hold large exercises (such as the one that apparently spooked governor Abbott's supporters), they are often held in Texas.

You would think that the governor would be aware of that, wouldn't you?


  1. Its the heat! The Air-con breaks down and they all go mad.

    1. You could be right. Thanks for the comment.


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