Friday 22 January 2021

Handy Hiltons And More PC Nonsense

I sometimes wonder at the lack of common sense we have about certain cultures in the UK.

Traditional Turkish Massages Are Uni-Sex .....

Take the Hilton hotel chain. They offer massages to guests .....

But given the fact that this could be open to much abuse, you would think that they would do everything to mitigate or prevent any issues. One certain way would be to ensure that women were only given women masseurs, as in fact is the case in Turkish and Middle Eastern hamam's. Another might be to use open rooms in the area so that no assaults can take place.

However no doubt for fear of offending one of the numerous unwritten PC rules, the Hilton Hotel in Syon Park, West London hired a certain Mr Mohamed El-Alfie (alarm bells for anyone with an ounce of brains would already ringing very loudly), to give massages to women guests in a private room.

Mohamed El-Alfie On Sex Offenders Register For Life .....

Needless to say he was soon charged with a sexual assault on a young hen night bride (groping her breasts and between her legs, and offering her a 'special') ... he had also attempted similar sexual assaults on two other women. He was convicted after admitting the assaults, and was jailed for eight years.

Surely to god, the duty of care requirement for the Hilton hotel chain should have made them pause for thought, before hiring a Muslim man to massage females .... he would not be allowed to do this for Muslim or Asian females, so why for western ones?

While we are in this area .... in a sign of how PC nonsense has infected the medical profession, and how hard this makes it to stop criminal doctors practising in the UK. A Pakistani Doctor who was working in Leeds England, was arrested for attempting to groom a thirteen year old girl on-line. Dr Hafeez-Ur Rehman Awan was using the name Medic333, and he spent 16 days trying to get the child (actually an undercover detective), to to contact him, even after 'she' revealed herself to be under age at 13 to him.

Dr Hafeez Ur- Rehman Awan - Is Still Licensed As A Doctor In The UK

He denied any wrongdoing, but immediately emigrated to Canada to attempt to set up a practice in New Brunswick, before a UK General Medical Tribunal finally suspended him. But only for a mere nine months ... he would have been OK to resume medical practice in the UK after that ... Paedophile offences aren't serious enough to be struck off, and just warrant a short suspension.

Anyone else would lose their jobs and be on the sex offenders register, but the medical tribunal apparently thought it OK that he could resume examining young women and girls after a nine month 'rest' .... but at least they had the good grace to inform the Canadians of his suspension, and they immediately suspended his medical licence in New Brunswick for a similar period, and he returned to England.

The General Medical Council then decided to appeal their own tribunals lenient sentence (with a view to having him struck off), and took the matter to court .... where guess what, Mr Justice Mostyn rejected the appeal by the General Medical Council saying that doctors who face misconduct charges at medical practitioners tribunals, should not be at risk of harsher sanctions just because they persist in denying wrongdoing that was later proved in court.

You just cant make this sh*t up .... mainly because you don't have to .... its real and its happening.

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