Friday 23 July 2021

Freedom Day?

 Well, this was supposed to be the week that Freedom Day set us all free again ....

Freedom Day
Finally No More Covid-19 Restrictions Indoors ... Allegedly!

..... but it hasn't quite felt like that ... the usual back tracking and mixed messages about social distancing, mask wearing, the NHS App tracking alerts, and self isolating have made the whole thing feel fragile and chaotic.

I originally wrote this post in advance, and have already had to postpone and alter it from the 25th of June, after the first false dawn, and I'm not certain that this latest attempt will hold up for too long either, as although legal requirements and sanctions have been dropped, heavy handed hints about 'expectations' and 'recommendations' from experts and politicians, about continued mask usage in public areas such as transport, are making it feel that little has actually changed in reality.

So although I have long held the suspicion that this will not be as it was advertised in advance, I have posted the blog, and who knows, maybe it will still turn out to be the day that we could have burned our f*cking face masks once and for all (as long as you weren't planning on using public transport) .... But, and there is always a 'but' isn't there? ... probably not. 

The infection figures all suggest that the pressure to have another 'fire break' lock-down in a few weeks will become too much for the government ... but as the Prime Minister has repeatedly said 'if not now, when?' because if we lock down again, it will likely be next April before we could try to unlock again.

Burning Your Face Mask May Be Premature ....

So I'll be forced to just hang on to my masks for a few months more, you know, just in case I have to use public transport, or even, if come September or October, we are back in Lockdown 3 or 4 etc, again .... But the government should try and just get its act together and hang tough. However, vaccine passports for bars and night clubs would probably force the under 35's to go and get their vaccines done, and push us to the magic herd immunity threshold.

Welcome to the crazy world of the New Normal!

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