Friday 6 August 2021

Wrath Of The Cat Lady

 Once again strange news from Florida ....

Even Crazy Cat Ladies Respect Social Distancing Rules ....

 ...., the home state of the weird and the wacky.

Fifty Six year old Wendi Hird of Largo Florida had been released from prison to the home of her unnamed 73 year old ex lover but now apparently just platonic friends, despite an alleged prior assault on the victim by Ms Hird, where the charges were eventually dropped. 

They still shared custody of a cat, and during a verbal argument in March 2021, she grabbed the family pet and threw it at his head ... the startled beast reacted as might be expected, by showing all claws and scratching everything in range, in this case the mans head. 

He was injured with cuts and facial scratches and Ms Hird followed up this sneak feline attack with a few punches to his scratched head as well. Police reported that the victim had visible injuries on his right knee and foot too.

She was arrested and charged with domestic battery of a person over 65, which is a felony offence in the state of Florida. When read her rights Ms Hird declined to speak to the police. There was also an “indication” of Ms Hird having taken drugs and alcohol at the time of the alleged incident, which occurred around midnight. No weapons (including the cat) were seized.

Blame It On The Coke And Alcohol ...

Reports say that Ms Hird's prior rap sheet includes several counts of cocaine possession, battery and prostitution, with five years spent in prison following a 2005 conviction for battering a law enforcement officer (She also has three counts of resisting police officers with violence). She’d previously done a 1-year stretch for fleeing police custody (escape) .... she is recorded as being a habitual criminal in the state of Florida.

Unsurprisingly Ms Hird was held in the county jail in lieu of a $4,000 bond, and was ordered by a judge to have no contact with the victim, who had at the point of the story not paid bail for Ms Hird.

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