Friday 24 May 2024

Hand Of God or Bad Luck

 Normally religious deaths or martyrdoms refers to some sort of Islamic suicide bomber outrage .....

River Baptisms For Christians Is Popular
River Baptisms For Christians Is Popular

.... but this time its not. Its a Christian story.

“Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.” Mark 16:16

The practise of river baptisms for Christians is popular around the globe as it mirrors Jesus of Nazareth's baptism in the river Jordan .... so from the USA, to South America and Africa the practise is widespread.

Alison Krauss Went Down To The River To Pray
Alison Krauss Went Down To The River To Pray

But in some parts of the world, this can be something of a risky business.

Take the pilgrims who went down to the Jukskei River in Johannesburg, South Africa in December 2022 for a few baptisms and other religious rituals. They no doubt were thinking only of the forthcoming celebration as the 33 worshippers and an unlicensed preacher got to the riverside where the water was placid.

So some entered the water to commence the ceremony ..... but then fate (or perhaps the hand of God?) took charge when a flash flood roared down upon them, sweeping many celebrants away. The flood, which had been caused by heavy storms further up river killed 14 of the congregation.

An emergency services spokesman said that storm surges were common on the Jukskei River and that churches were advised to "exercise caution as to when and where they conduct these rituals," One climate expert has suggested that the increase in unlicensed churches, where unlicensed pastors do open-river baptism rituals, often without advance weather safety drills, will cause death numbers to triple. 

These unlicensed preachers often get paid good amounts of money (up to $50 per person), to conduct these open-river baptisms, taking advantage of their poor worshippers belief that baptisms could change their fortunes.These illegal baptisms often occur December, because many worshippers think December is the holiest month, and this event will heal them of social ailments like joblessness, HIV or poverty .... but as its also the wettest month, the rivers are in their most dangerous state.

Of course this was only latest in a line of South African baptism deaths:

  1. In December 2021, heavy floods swept away a 21-year-old priest and the 41-year-old woman he was baptising in the Free State, in central South Africa.
  2. On the last day of 2022, three people drowned during a river baptism ceremony gone wrong in Soweto, Black township in South Africa.

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