Friday 24 May 2024

Not Really A Strange Death

Whenever a conspiracist dies .....

Maxwell Bates-Spiers - Death Provoked Conspiracy Theories
Maxwell Bates-Spiers - His
Death Provoked Conspiracy Theories

It always sparks some conspiracy theories .... but doubly so in the death of Maxwell Bates-Spiers.

Mr Bates-Spiers was a 39 year old father of two from Canterbury .... he was also described as a conspiracy theorist and paranormal researcher. However his last research project was allegedly in to the private lives of well known figures in politics, entertainment  and business .... although the exact names of the subjects of this investigation are not known, its believed to be around an alleged paedophile ring.

Following a holiday in Cyprus with a friend Monika Duval, a fellow conspiracist, and publisher in 2016, they returned to her flat in Warsaw Poland, where he had addressed a conference in April 2016, and spoke at another environmental conference in July 2016. While on the extended holiday he sent a message to his mother Vanessa Bates stating that "Your boys in trouble, if anything happens to to me, investigate" .... Following the conference speech, on the 26th of July 2016, he died suddenly that night after suffering a high temperature, and then vomiting "two litres of a black liquid".

The Polish police initially investigated (including possible involuntary manslaughter), but when the Polish doctor said the death was from natural causes, they abandoned any investigation. They returned his body a week later, along with his laptop, which was strangely completely wiped of data  .... so rumours really started flying in the conspirasphere .... the death, the black liquid, no police investigation, paedophile rings, powerful people ... grist to the mill for many.

Soon a veritable cottage industry of radio and TV shows developed around his death. Miles Johnson, a UFO researcher, told BBC Radio 4's PM that Spiers died after being terminated by "sophisticated elements". He "knew he was going to die, he knew he was in a trap".

He had previously stated that he had been the subject of a mind control programme run by Britain and the US, working in conjunction with old Nazi scientists (to create a 'super warrior' ... presumably from him? note all 4 parts of the TV show about his mysterious death are available on the link) .... where would we be with our secret Nazi scientists!!  One of the conspiracy theories put forward in January 2018, were that he was being controlled by extraterrestrial life into taking drugs.

Other conspiracists such as Adam Borowski from Radio Paranormalium, a Polish independent journalist site, believed that he was plagiarising other researchers work, and presenting it as his own, and openly mocked his 'super-soldier from birth' claims ... he "seemed to collect the research of other people and present it as his own."

However along came the UK Inquest in January 2019, where adults took charge of events.

One of the two police officers called by paramedics said in a statement: "After the doctor said the death was due to natural causes, we somehow didn't delve into it. There was no examination or further investigation."

Monika Duval told the inquest hearing in a written statement that Bates-Spiers had fallen asleep on her sofa after taking about 10 tablets of a Turkish form of Xanax (a drug to treat anxiety) - they had bought "eight to ten boxes" of the drug, where it can be obtained without a prescription, from a doctors surgery for about £315, during the holiday in Cyprus, - and after falling asleep for several hours, he then stopped breathing. She believed that he thought that the Xanex were not as strong as European versions of the drug.

His mother confirmed that Mr Spier's had previously developed an opioid and heroin habit while in the USA that he had struggled to kick, and she also stated that she had been concerned about Spiers's mental health prior to his death, and that she believed he had "gotten involved with the wrong crowd."  She believed that a video taken shortly before his death, showed him behaving the same way he did after using heroin. He was still using (or had relapsed into using), uncontrolled heavy drug combinations, and effectively was having paranoia issues leading him to believe that someone was after him

The toxicologist said that the post mortem exam, showed that Mr Spiers had Xanex levels in his body at twice the therapeutic dose, he also had the opioid Oxycodone in his system at a "potentially fatal" level. He also apparently had pneumonia ..... He said that the pneumonia combined with the drug cocktail had "caused aspiration of gastric contents," (hence the vomiting of a black liquid).

The Coroner Christopher Sutton-Mattocks ruled that Mr Bates-Spiers died from pneumonia and drug intoxication. The conspiracy theories were closed ....

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