Friday 7 June 2024

Genius At Work

Barry Humphries, the comedian who came up with the characters Dame Edna Everage, Sir Les Patterson and Barry McKenzie, died in April 2023, aged 89. 

Barry Humphries And His Creations
Barry Humphries And His Creations

It happens to us all, but he got to the age of 89 which is more than most of us will manage ..... so I'm not dwelling upon that death.

He was always a dangerous man to have on live TV shows. 

Once, on the BBC Today programme, he was invited to comment on a live news story on the Australian Prime Minister Paul Keating putting his hand on the late Queen while guiding her forward (against protocol, don'tcha know), while his wife hadn't curtsied. 

Paul Keating and Queen Elizabeth II
Paul Keating and Queen Elizabeth II -
 Sir Les Patterson Had An Opinion.

Using the guise of Aussie Ambassador Les Patterson he said  

"He's just ignorant. Everybody knows you've go to take the Queen out for dinner first before you slip her one" ..... before the stunned presenter could react, he carried on "She didn't curtsy? Don't worry, when she's been ennobled she'll be up and down like a drovers dick."  

Needless to say the complaints flooded in ..... the editor of the Today programme at the time now writes a column for The Sun newspaper.

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