Friday 21 June 2024

Its A Woke, Woke, World

Whilst the Coronavirus pandemic may have abated (at least to much of he world) ...

The Coronavirus - A Plague In Recession
The Coronavirus Financially Bankrupted Many Countries

 .... the woke plague, that has swept the Western world continues unabated, with no sign of a vaccine.

Walmart USA, now reportedly includes the bullshit Critical Race Theory (in which all whites are aggressors, and all non whites are victims), training for their employees … including the idea that the United States is governed by a “white supremacy system,” and teaches its white hourly-wage workers that they are guilty of “white supremacy thinking,” and “internalized racial superiority".

The 'Unauthorised' Canadian Home Depot Training Documents
The 'Unauthorised' Canadian Home Depot Documents

Home Depot in Canada, recently shamed its white employees in its Canadian branch, by training them via some extremist anti-white privilege literature, which even said that Christmas celebrations were an example of something it described as “Christian privilege.” The main office of Home Depot in the USA later announced that the training documents, which had gone viral on-line (hence coming to much wider attention), were not authorised by its corporate headquarters .... but no one was disciplined for their distribution and use, nor were the contents denounced by the company for the message they gave out.

Glossy Brochures To Promote LGBT Message
Glossy Brochures To Promote Message

While Kroger, a very large grocery store chain in USA, has a particular emphasis on LGBT rights and support, so much so that it fired two workers in Conway, Arkansas who refused to wear a LGBT logo badge on the apron, introduced in April 2019. They are now being sued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, for violating federal laws. US Companies have an obligation under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to consider requests for religious accommodations, and it is illegal to terminate employees for requesting an accommodation for their religious beliefs.

The two women (aged 57 and 75), had asked for a religious accommodation in multiple oral and written requests to management to wear another apron, so that they didn't have to display the rainbow badge. They had implemented a new dress code that "required all employees to wear a new apron with a new logo, a rainbow heart embroidered on the top left portion of the bib." These requests were allegedly ignored, while others, who had also declined to wear the bibs were accommodated, or were not disciplined.

We Should Be Getting Angry
We Should Be Getting Mad

As those on the Left often says, 'silence is complicity,' .... and while we all stand by silently, and say nothing about this campaign of race and gender shaming of whites and heterosexuals, this madness will continue to spread and become mainstream thinking, creating a new world order where supermarket workers have to receive an ideological and race education, in order to be qualified to stack cans of chicken soup on a shelf, or mop the aisles.

The Chinese Communists and North Korean regimes, both operate 'Reeducation Camps' for those who don't toe the line in their thoughts and actions ..... We reap what we sow ....

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