Friday 16 August 2024

Ah ... The Sniff Of Florida

Florida is the state that just keeps giving .....

Tony Jay Saunders Junior
The Man, The Bus And The Deer

... even when its residents are not actually in the state.

Tony Jay Saunders Junior (that means there's a Tony Jay Saunders senior, which is something to dwell on after you have read this post), a 25 year old man from the great state of Florida, was in Pennsylvania in April 2023 when he was arrested by the police.

He was originally spotted driving a stolen “Lincoln Coach Lines” school bus in the Dillsburg Area, approximately 40 miles west of Lancaster, and later, on Route 15 North the police attempted to pull him over, which he initially seemed to be doing, before suddenly putting his foot down on the gas and weaving and speeding into the traffic, crossing lanes and leading police in a high speed pursuit.

Eventually the bus ran out of control and crashed on Gettysburg Rd. in Lower Allen Township .... Mr Saunders then fled the bus on foot, heading in to some woods. The police quickly examined the bus for any passengers and found just the carcass of a dead deer. Witnesses in the area provided investigators with a description of the suspect, and they then pursued Mr Saunders into the woods, until officers searching the area near the rail road tracks, then caught a glimpse of a man who matched the original description of the suspect, who then ran away from police, leading them through a series of parking lots and high-traffic areas.

They were actually following a trail of abandoned clothing, as the suspect was apparently trying to change his appearance ..... however once they had found his abandoned underwear, it was obvious that his appearance change wasn't going to do the trick.

He was then apprehended in the nude .... as was returned to the police station where he was questioned. He admitted taking the bus earlier in the day, after crashing a BMW vehicle in which he had been transporting the deer carcass. He had then taken the school bus, in order to carry his dead deer and had according to the police "placed a deceased deer in the back of the bus and was going to drive the deer to his residence and use the deceased deer as fertilizer for his garden.”

He was eventually charged with one count each, of fleeing or attempting to elude officers, receiving stolen property, resisting arrest, and reckless driving .... no word about where he got the deer.

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