Friday 30 August 2024

Aliens Ray Gun

I genuinely thought that I had come across every version of the Roswell crash incident ....

Roswell Daily Record
Roswell Daily Record

 .... Oh come on, surely you know what that is. Well OK, that's the name of the granddaddy of all alien stories, where UFO enthusiasts are convinced that the US government and military covered up the fact that an alien space craft had crashed near Roswell in New Mexico in 1947.

Personally I think that the cover-up story of a weather balloon coming down, was actually not far from the truth (the best lies are those that are nearly the truth), and that it was actually a top secret high altitude spy balloon, but hey ho, that's never going to satisfy the conspiracy theorists and UFO believers.

Jesse Marcel - Roswell Army Air Field With Debris - 75 Miles Northwest Of Roswell, N.M.
If It Looks Like A Balloon ...
It Probably Is A Balloon.

So over the years, countless stories, interviews and theories, have crossed either the written, or the broadcast media and indeed continue to do so (its a story that just keeps on giving), and so although I only cast a weary eye over most of them, I thought I had seen or heard them all.

But no, apparently there's a 'Ray-Gun' version of the story .... that I freely admit I was not aware of. Its a pretty long and convoluted story, but basically as its recorded by someone called 'the Wanderling,' it states that his uncle, a 'biosearcher who was known to have visited the debris field within days of the crash.' (now deceased - aren't they always?), and found an alien weapon, to whit, a science fiction type  'ray-gun' at the Roswell site, that the military clear up team had somehow missed. 

Atom Ray Gun
Atom Ray Gun

He had been searching for 'anomalous I-beams with suspected alien hieroglyphic writing on them', which is a little odd, as its not clear how he knew about the 'I-beams', or the alleged 'hieroglyphic writing' on them within days of the crash, as the military had been all over the site, and weren't talking? Anyways, he apparently didn't find 'any pieces, scraps, items, or objects with hieroglyphs', but he did find what appeared to be a weapon, a sort of pistols.

This again is kind of odd in of itself, as you would expect the military to have found anything on the surface or even just below the surface, but then said uncle, went and buried it (apparently to stop it falling 'into the wrong hands') deeply in the hills near the crash debris field, apparently without being spotted by the eponymous men in black, who surely would have been keeping the site under constant surveillance if it had been either:

  • A top secret military crash site, or
  • The secret site of an alien space craft crash.

The uncle then apparently waited another decade until 1957 (some years after having meetings with first 'famed radio broadcaster Frank Edwards, a known UFO advocate,' and later 'famed astronomer Dr. Lincoln La Paz'), to go and retrieve the 'ray-gun'. After that the story gets even more confusing, involving native first nation men, and long and somewhat wandering stories, that frankly I gave up on.

But the story as far I read it, like most 'Roswell' tales, seems to rather blur the distinction between fiction and fact, and lean rather heavily in favour of fiction .... unless of course your a believer.

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