Friday 2 August 2024

Bobi Has Gone

 "Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on earth would never be enough, for those who loved him ...." 

Bobi A Purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo
'Bobi' The Longest Lived Dog.

These were the words from veterinarian Dr Karen Becker, that let the world know that 'Bobi', the worlds oldest ever recorded dog had passed away on the 21st of October 2023.

He was said to have lived an amazing 31 years and 165 days, beating the previous oldest dog ever, who was Australia's 'Bluey', who died in 1939 (at the great age of 29 years and five months).

The reason they said that could be sure of Bobi's age, was that the Portuguese government has a pet database, which is managed by the National Union of Veterinarians. It's believed that his long life is down to living his whole life in the peaceful environment of the village of Conqueiros, near Portugal's west coast, with the Costa family.

He even escaped a pet culling, after being born with three siblings in an outbuilding, when the Costa family determined that they had too many animals and killed the other puppies. But Bobi escaped before the event, and eight year old Leonel Costa and his brothers hid him. He was eventually discovered but was accepted and  became part of the family, who even fed him the same food they ate, because they couldn't afford dog food.

Following this scare, he only needed serious vet care once, in 2018, in an otherwise peaceful life. Its not been announced who is the oldest living dog now .... but hold on, on 29th of October 2023, the Guinness World Records announced it would re-investigate Bobi's age, to address veterinarian questions and concerns over the lack of evidence of his birth being freely available to the public. After reinvestigation, Guinness revoked Bobi's age certification, due to a lack of evidence of his birth date after it turned out that the Portuguese pet database had never required proof of birth for dogs born before 2008 ... so farewell Bobi, gone but not forgotten .... at least not by Wikipedia.

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