Thursday 28 February 2008

Islamic Reform in Turkey

An interesting story out of Turkey this week, where it was announced that a gathering of clerics is re-writing the Hadiths, to remove those that are not compatible with the 21st Christian century, (rather than the 14th Islamic century), and those that were obviously not the words of Mohammed.

Potentially this is a momentous move in the Islamic monolith, but it is fraught with danger and the strong likelihood that the fanatics will just wipe it off the planet.

The full story is here, and I will comment further when the full version of what's in, and what's out, are published.

I suspect that the changes may be rather tamer than we are being led to believe, but who knows, maybe this is the first of the many much needed reforms needed, to take the violence out of Islam, and thus end the proselytising at the point of a sword syndrome, which is inherent in the religion.

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Sunday 24 February 2008

The Further Breakup of Britain

Further to his earlier declarations of loyalty to Scotland above all things, Gordon Brown is now proposing to give Scotland further tax raising powers and thus end the political Union in any practical sense.

He barely hides his intentions, and yet the British peoples just sit dumbly by and say nothing, while New Labour attempt to break up the United Kingdom for short term political fixes and advantage.

The labour Party only bought in devolution because they thought they might lose votes to the Scottish National Party (SNP), but a decade later its now an SNP regime in Edinburgh, and the conditions are set up, so that the SNP only has to win a referendum once to break away from The Union, while the non split parties have to win every time.

The break-up is therefore probably only a matter of time ..... and all just so Labour could win the 1997 elections. Oddly if they had any brains at all, they would have realised that if the SNP ever get their way, then the Labour party is finished in England, because

a) They will take the blame for the break-up in England, and also
b) Because they have only once won the popular vote in England (1945), and would therefore be the permanent opposition.


After a comment below, I suddenly realised that Frankie Brown was PM of the UK

Gordon Brown and Frankie Howard 
Can you spot the difference??

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Kill Bill, Vista Vol SP1 ... 'abuse of power'

What a hoot, Microsoft have once again used their position of power in the PC market .....
Windows Vista Support
Windows Vista Support

by announcing that Windows Vista users can expect that a forthcoming service pack for the operating system may, (meaning WILL), stop some third-party programs working.

Saturday 23 February 2008

US Primaries and sexual scandals

I thought I would revisit this story again, as it appears that I got the Democrats very wrong because Barak Obama is sweeping Mrs Clinton aside with some ease. She is obviously bitter about losing her chance to make history, and that instead it will be another woman who will one day be the first representative of that sex to become US President.

She is finished if she doesn't win Texas (and Ohio) on the 4th of March.

Meanwhile back in the other camp, the 'old man' John McCain who had been jogging gently to the candidacy of the Republican party, has suddenly had a sex story waved at him. He denies it, as does the other party in the allegation, Ms Iseman.

However this story may work for or against Mr McCain, because on one hand infidelity is a 'no no' in US politics, but on the other, a man in his seventies is flattered when women thirty years his junior, are still linked with him in a sexual manner. Of course Mrs Clinton was briefly part of the Monica Lewinsky scandal that ruined her husbands Presidency.

General Tito of Yugoslavia was allegedly being flown to the USSR (Russia), and was 'seduced' by a number of 'stewardesses' who worked for the KGB. Secret cameras filmed the 'mile high club' extravaganza and photo's duly were passed to Tito in order to threaten blackmail, however Tito was so pleased with his performance (he was in his late 60's at the time), that he asked the KGB for a copy of the film and photo's, because his image in macho Yugoslavia would be enhanced if his public knew he was still up to it with several women in one session.

Actually dictators seem to like this idea of proving virility in later age, and Mao used to swim the Yangtze river to prove his virility to his people. The Pharaohs and Aztecs often had fertility rites that weren't entirely symbolic, and had to 'show' that they could still 'fertilise' the earth or Nile with their 'seed'. Celtic leaders in Europe are said to have actually had sex with horses as part of a horse cult, and circumstantial evidence for this has been found, as well as Roman writers remarking on it.

Ireland appears to have practised this cult until at least the 12th century AD, well at least according to one writer, Giraldus Cambrensis (Gerald of Wales), who reported that "the kings of Clan Connaill continue to be inaugurated in the high style of their ancestors – by public copulation with a white mare"

So that's OK then .....

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Saturday 16 February 2008

The Rape of the Oceans

Maybe the saddest news item in the news this week was the apparent confirmation that, the Earth is on the edge of catastrophe with the poisoning of the seas by humanity.

The pictures tell it all really, so I'll say no more than that I am beginning to think humanity may struggle to survive its own carelessness and neglect in the very near future.

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Thursday 14 February 2008

Sharia Jurisprudence - "Kill the witch"

Here we go again, the Saudi’s that most 'enlightened' of races and protectors of Islam, have decided that they want to execute an illiterate woman for “Witchcraft”.

17th Century Witch Killing .... Europe
17th Century Witch Killing ....

Yes, that’s apparently the truth.

Saturday 9 February 2008

Anglican decline accelerates

Not even a month after the fat vicar had a swipe at me for supporting the Bishop who said that Islam was a threat to our way of life, the Archbishop of Canterbury comes clean and suggests that we introduce 'elements of Sharia Law' into the UK, so that the Muslims who can't stand us, or our non Muslim ways, can pretend they live in one of the many Muslim paradise states that dot the globe, err hang on, they are all poverty ridden uneducated hell holes, especially for non-muslims.

Islamic Laws Ushered In By Protestant Clergy?

Oops it must be some other reason why they would want to introduce Sharia law into the UK, Women and Gays rights maybe?

Of course he is now shocked at the utter contempt with which many have greeted his suggestion, especially the Homosexual and women's groups in his Church of any values, who know exactly what happens to women and homosexuals under the kind ministrations of the Mullahs.

Of course, after being attacked, the Archbishop has defended himself, but the fact is that he has mentally surrendered to the idea that Islam is the coming religion (well in place of the dead protestant religion in the UK), and his defenders think his treatment is 'disgraceful', but maybe he should have thought out his position before making such an announcement.

Not doubt the fat vicar will have an opposite view to mine, so take a peek and see what the opposite opinion is, it may well be the harbinger of the future Islamic UK, ushered in by the discredited ministers of the collapsed Christianity. I am guessing that he will treat any critics of Islam as 'ill informed', or 'uneducated', or some such dismissive statement, meaning 'not holding the opinions of the vicar'. It's how he treats any opinion that he doesn't personally hold to be true, an oddly 'unchristian' stance, but then again maybe not so odd, for a defender of Islamic values.

Of course there are a number of views being expressed, and not all are hostile, but the majority are, and even many Muslims are unhappy, presumably because they have first hand experience of letting some man with a wild beard (and I don't just mean an Anglican Archbishop), deciding your future.

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Sunday 3 February 2008

Ship Ahoy

I was going to ignore this story, but as the bloody thing is going to be around for another week at the least .... I feel obliged to report it.

A ship was blown aground on the coast nearby (well a short drive away), and as this is not an everyday occurance (the last was twenty years ago round here), I got up early today (with a hangover) and drove down to the seafront, and, after detouring round the various road blocks put up by the police (Why... no ones gonna rob this baby!) I took a few photos.

The "Riverdance" ferry is lying about a half mile of shore, on its side and dropping thousands of packets of McVitie's biscuits that were being carried on lorries aboard and have been washed up on the shoreline.

This has turned into a feast for the gulls who are flocking in great numbers to pick at the biscuits.

Here's another photo 0f the ship with the lorries on board. Apparently they will try and salvage it next week.

UPDATE: Its still there six weeks later, much to the embarressment of the insurance company and the numerous engineers who have tried to get it afloat again. The last of the spring tides have been and gone and its now fully sunk into the sands.

Local betting is that it will be emptied and then broken up on the beach, if they don't get it refloated within a month. It can't just be left, because winter storm could toss it further up the beach into the seawall, or worse, back out to sea where there are Gas Rigs and Wind power installations within five miles.

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