Saturday 5 December 2009

Mein Gott, Ich Bin Ein Bangladeshi !

Yes, in Bangladesh, "Mein Kampf", Adolf Hitler's incoherent musings about a master race etc etc, are a big seller with the street sellers of Dhaka according to this BBC story.
Arabic Translation Of Mein Kampf Is A Best Seller

The writer tries to find out why, but in typical PC fashion can't actually bring himself to admit the real reason, although they do force out the little line "because many bought the book to give it away as an Eid present." 
The story then very quickly drifts off onto the hard lives of the street sellers, and thus misses a chance to discuss the phenomena of Mein Kampf 's suitability as an Eid present. So in a spirit of enlightenment, I will work it out for him.
  • Bangladesh is a Muslim country.
  • Muslims 'hate' Jews.
  • Hitler killed Jews.
  • Mein Kampf is a best seller in Muslim areas such as Palestine.
Get it?
Actually the first translation into Arabic was in 1938, and Hitler assiduously courted the Arabs world (admittedly for geo-political reasons, as France and Britain dominated those areas at the time), so this is nothing new. Of course he didn't believe that they were anything more than untermenschen.

Hard to believe that an intelligent reporter was not able to make this very obvious connection. In any event, it's rather ironic that the peoples Hitler believed to be "Untermenschen", the Arab/Muslim world and the Eastern European/Balkan Slavs, are the two groups where his book and his racist ideas about world jewery still find a ready audience and support.

Such is the fickleness of history and the shortness of public memory.


  1. Brings a new meaning to the expression "don't meantion the war" ..... in this case it's a case of 'don't mention the islamo facists'.

  2. I think it's interesting that the question of why some muslims think its OK to give each other copies of "Mein Kampf" is just skipped round.

    Imagine the uproar if politicians or church leaders routinely handed around copies of Mein Kampf? But if some muslims do so, not one word of condemnation.

    The reasons why we can't face up to and challenge what passes for morality in this bankrupt part of the world, is something that we may all have cause to regret one day.

  3. The old "Sure he made a few mistakes .... but look at the good he did" is still surfacing in Arab lands.


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