Saturday 5 December 2009

15 Minutes Of Fame - TV Idiocy

Sticking to the Muslim world and their conspiracy theories (by moving from East Pakistan aka Bangladesh, to Pakistan) ....

Conspiracies Are Everywhere ...........

....where a lot of debate is being generated by the media and bloggers demonising the elected government, trying to convince their audiences of global conspiracies against Pakistan, led by the arch enemies, India and the United States, or insisting that the recent spate of suicide bombers around the country is being orchestrated by 'foreigners' (aka the CIA, MI6 or Mossad), rather than local militants.

Nothing odd about this in itself, as the whole Islamic world believes all of this crap (and indeed many other non Muslim conspiracy groups vie for attention world wide), but sadly for a country that is falling apart, nonsense such as this detracts from the dire problems that are actually fuelling the Taliban's support inside that country - the crumbling economy, joblessness, the rising cost of living, massive crime issues, and the complete lack of investment in health and education, or even the long-running insurgency in Balochistan province (which could break Pakistan apart).

So, why this blindness? Well it appears that the problem lies in the sheer number of media outlets in Pakistan. All apparently competing for a large, but often illiterate audience, by adopting 'shock jock' tactics, of ever wilder claims ......... a sad indication of the possible future of TV when anyone can make a programme (just look at 'reality TV' to see the Western route to the same destination).

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