Friday 27 July 2018

Ninja Hamsters

I didn't know that hamsters lived naturally in Europe. I thought they were from South America like guinea pigs ... if that's right.

Ninja Hamsters - Csaba Godeny

So I was much taken by these images from near Kiskunsag National Park in Hungary. I was especially taken by the ninja fighting poses taken by two males ...

Fringe Beliefs Not Fringe Any More

Its 'Official', the West is in serious intellectual decline ..... 

US Paranormal  Beliefs 2017 Chapman University

...... well, at least that's all we can believe after Chapman University released the results of a survey of 1,207 random Americans, who were questioned on various paranormal beliefs in the  'Survey of American Fears 2017'

Death Of A Socialite

In the UK there are still girls that the newspapers like to call a 'socialite' - which means I assume, that they have independent financial means, aka reasonably wealthy parents. There are in fact a remarkably large numbers of such girls still around, and Ms Daisy Boyd was described as such a girl in the popular press.

A Modern Socialite ....
A Modern Socialite ....

These girls are usually educated in all girl private schools such as Roedean (fees £10,620 - £12,855 per term if a full boarder).

Death Of An Activist

The FEMEN statement "RIP. The most fearless and vulnerable Oksana Shachko has left us," best sums it up.

Oksana Shachko - Fearless And Vulnerable
Oksana Shachko - Fearless And Vulnerable ...

On the 23rd of July 2018, Ms Shachko's body was found in her apartment in Paris. According to her friends, she left a suicide note.

Friday 20 July 2018

Ugly Pearl

When I read that the worlds largest freshwater pearl was going to be sold, I had visions of a beautiful pearl, set in a stunning clasp ....

Catherine The Great Liked Pearls ...

Especially as it was once owned by Catherine The Great of Russia. It came from China sometime after 1760, which is when it stopped forming. It possibly was smuggled out via the Dutch East India Company - despite a Qing dynasty ban on exporting large pearls. It was first auctioned in Amsterdam in 1778 after the death of its first owner, Hendrik Coenraad Sander of the Dutch East India Company, where it was snapped up by Catherine's buyer.

The News Is Cuckolded

The Nairobi News as well as other African news sites reported in February 2017 that Tanzanian policeman Darius Makambako, had been married for six years to wife Precious, when a doctor told the couple, that the husband was sterile. 

Trope - Sleeping With My Friends Wife For Money
Sleeping With My Friends Wife For Money

Wanting a child he hired fellow officer and neighbour Evans Mastano to impregnate his wife, for a fee of Sh10,000 (Tsh2,000,000 ~ £662.62). Officer Evans was already married and the father of two beautiful daughters, so the plan seemed good. Anyway, 75 attempts over 10 months in 2016 later, and Precious was still not pregnant.

Nothing Is Written In Stone

Well, as we are now well into another year, and I have just passed a very strange anniversary ~ Its a year this week since I had a life extending surgery. I hardly know what to say to sum up my feelings about being here. 

A Cancer Diagnosis Leaves You A Long Way From The Light
A Cancer Diagnosis Leaves You A Long Way From The Light

On the 9th of December 2016, after several months of increasing ill health, I was diagnosed with a very bad form of cancer which was quickly classed as inoperable. I was told that if treatment failed to get an exceptional response then I likely wouldn't see August 2017, and certainly not another Christmas. 

JFK and All Those Conspiracies

I don't normally go in for conspiracies. Too many people involved usually means someone talks. The moon landings were not faked ... film technicians would have talked and they did it 6 times - so live with it Flat Earthers.

The USA Landed Six Times On The Moon.

However the JFK theories have more legs, if simply because they might only need less than a dozen participants, who would be highly motivated to stay silent.

Friday 13 July 2018

Rocky Road To Fame

A raccoon spent 20 hours scaling the 25-storey UBS office Tower in St Paul city, Minnesota ...

Daredevil Climber ....

The pictures and videos went around the world.

No Shame Outside Eden

Now correct me if I am wrong, but in the time of Adam and Eve (who Judaism, Christianity and Islam recognise as the first humans), these two sole humans walked about in the nuddy and recognised no shame, as they were in a state of perfection. They were in fact created 'naked and free', without shame. Without censorship.

Adam And Eve Expelled From The Garden Of Eden
There Goes The Neighbourhood .....

This of course ended when the devil in the form of a serpent tempted Eve into eating the apple which removed that innocence, and them from the Garden of Eden. 

Where Love Is A Sin

In the centre of Kabul many shop-fronts are decorated for Valentine's Day, also called Saint Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, and its obviously not a Muslim festival.

Celebrating Love, Pre-Taliban Afghan Style
Celebrating Love, Afghan Style ....

This has caused problems in Muslim countries as we have seen in the past.

Damned If You Do, and Damned If You Don't

In their efforts to promote PC policies, white class and race warriors of the creed, can actually cause as much offence, as they claimed to prevent ...

NWA ~ Careful How You Say It .....

... especially in the field of race.

Friday 6 July 2018

Fighting Women Of All Ages

There was a time, long long ago when we pretended that women in England were delicate roses .....

Victorian English Rose (well she's actually a German, but you get the idea).
Victorian English Rose (well she's actually a German, but you get the idea).

That in fact they were almost the epitome of femininity .....

I Remember The Summer of 76

In Britain when we talk about hot summers in recent memory .... just one, the summer of 1976 stands out in myth and folklore.

The Summer Of 1976 Has Achieved Legendary Status
The Summer Of 1976 Has Achieved Legendary Status

But more interestingly, I don't recall us ever having had such a great early summer as we are enjoying at the moment in Britain. Any tourist lucky enough to have arrived in the last 4 or 5 weeks will have seen Britain at its very rarest .... sunny, warm and dry.

Death Of The Ultimate Warrior

Bill Speakman was a brave man. In fact it's fair to say that he was a very brave man.

Bill Speakman - VC
Bill Speakman - VC

He was a holder of the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest award for military valour. He died recently at the age of 91, and his exploits are worth recording especially as he won his VC in the forgotten war in Korea.

Suffragette Terrorism

Nowadays, in the civilised world (I use this term in preference to first world, as women's rights are not determined by wealth, but by culture), we accept that women's rights are a good and equitable thing ... the fight for rights started in the 1870's and, via the 1960's, and some would argue up until now.

1968  Feminist Miss America Protests Included Bra Binning
Bra Binning Freedom Trash 1968 Miss America ...

Voting Rights, Equal Pay for an equal job (well something like that), The Right to choose their partner, Freedom of travel, The Right to cover or Uncover their hair, The Right to Education etc. The list goes on and on ..... of course in the backward part of the world, these rights are at best grudgingly granted, and often patchily enforced with women denied the rights that their laws in theory offer, and in some cases they are just denied.