Friday 12 October 2018

Driving A Wedge

Budget insurance ran a poll which found that seven in ten married couples argue about each others driving during a car journey.

Married Couples - 28 Minutes Before Driving Rows Break Out .....
28 Minutes Before Rows Break Out .....

The average time before the rows commence is 28 minutes.

Less plausibly, a quarter claim to have refused to get into the car when their partner is driving for fear of their lives, or their partners driving (I have to guess that was nearly all men).

The biggest bugbears are said to be slow driving (men about women I would guess), being in the wrong gear (men about women I would also guess), failing to overtake (men about women I would also guess), braking late and too hard (women about men I would also guess), tailgating (women about men I would also guess), aggressive behaviour (women about men I would also guess), and road rage (women about men I would also guess).

But directly in connection with this news, another survey, by car makers Hyundai has uncovered the fact that many motorists turn the air blue with their language every two-and-a-half miles. According to the results of the questionnaires, the average driver swears 41 times during every 100 miles travelled in the UK. Personally I turn the air blue every two hundred yards ....

Some Couples Have Solved The Car Argument Problem
Some Couples Have Solved The Car Argument Problem.......

But these are not our only problems .... married couples who row frequently, also risk making themselves ill. Researchers at Ohio State University found that rowing couples are more likely to suffer from leaky guts. This is a serious condition that releases bacteria into the blood stream. This can lead to serious health conditions such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis. The cause of this is stress .....

..... its a wonder we ever bother to get married.


  1. I agree with your assumptions, "women about men...." etc.

    One of the main problems with driving I would say is the lack of communication and the scope for miscommunication. We make assumptions all the time about the motives for someone's bad driving and because I'm aware of this I tend to give the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they're having a bad day of they're late for an appointment, and thankfully, I'm not.

    What I can't forgive though is tailgating for which there is no excuse and it's clear that most tailgaters don't even know they're doing wrong!? That said, (I've just remembered) one is often forced to tailgate on busy roads because if you leave a decent space someone will come and fill it!! - There's just no winning.

    1. If by tailgating you mean driving too closely behind another vehicle, then I agree. But as you rightly point out if you leave a decent space someone will come and fill it. However what winds me up is someone doing 25mph on an empty road where you cant get past safely. I tailgate then alright!!!


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