Friday 12 October 2018

Whats In A Name?

In Peru and across Latin America, names based on well-known historical figures are very popular. In neighbouring Ecuador, for example, the president's name is Lenin Moreno.

Lenin Moreno Not Alone There Are 18,464 More ...

That country alone has over 18,000 people named Lenin registered since 1950, comparatively the United States, with 20 times the population of Ecuador, has fewer than 1,700 Lenin's.

But this is actually indicative of an unusual trend. Ecuador also has over 18,000 men named Stalin, and they also have hundreds more Leon's, Vladimir's, Roosevelt's, Leon's, Mao's, and Hitlers. There are even 22 Trotsky's. 

Giovanni Hitler Cando

Giovanni Hitler Cando, a columnist with the El País newspaper, has an Ecuadorian father named Bolívar (after the Latin American liberator Simón Bolívar) and his brother is named Stalin. He believes his dad got a laugh over having Hitler and Stalin fighting when they were children.

The historical names are also popular in India. In the Indian state of Kerala, which has been governed on and off by Communists since 1957, many people are given the names of dead Soviet communist leaders. There are lots of people named Lenin, Stalin, Krushchev, Brezhnev, Pushkin, Gagarin, Tereshkova and Pravda.

But other names such as Mussolini, Kennedy, Lincoln, Hitler and even Nixon are not uncommon. It appears that people in that state like to name their children after what are perceived as 'strong leaders'. The political connotations are often rarely considered, or even understood, ask Adolf Lu Hitler Marak, who is an Indian politician for the Nationalist Congress Party.

Thus showing once again, that the West's belief that our history is the worlds history is egotistical nonsense and cultural imperialism. However spare a thought for those people who are born with the surname of someone infamous such as Hitler ..... Meet the Hitlers

..... no fault of theirs, especially as Hitler could have used the surname spelling of Hiedler.

Hitler's father, Alois, had been born out of wedlock to Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Eventually, the acknowledged father, Johann Georg Heidler, married Maria, but he never bothered to legitimize his son Alois. In 1876, Alois's uncle took the necessary steps to legitimize Alois and legally change his name, but Alois, Adolfs father, called himself Hitler rather than Heidler because his father had never legitimized him. 

Such is the fickleness of fate .....


  1. The video clip disproves itself. "There's no reason to change your name, unless you're a criminal" the guy says. It's obvious that there are plenty of reasons unless you live in a bubble where no one knows what it means. So don't change you're name and put up with the raised eyebrows and silly moustache comments for the rest of your life, that's up to you. Not to mention the idiot with the swastika tattoos, something tells me he changed his name TO Hitler.

    1. The the idiot with the swastika tattoos is Heath and his wife, Deborah Campbell, are both self-proclaimed Nazis from Holland Township, New.Jersey (or Easton, Pennsylvania - they move around). They have garnered much news coverage and notoriety over their naming conventions.

      But the others in the film are just ordinary ... err, Hitlers.


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