Friday 19 October 2018

Naked Squatter And Naked Walker

In May 2017, it was reported that a nude squatter named Feliciamae Farrington was arrested in Big Pine Key, Florida, by Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Richard 'Dick' Wang, when she refused to leave the property.

The Naked Squatter ... Arrested After Struggle
The Naked Squatter ... Arrested After Struggle

Ms Farrington, who was from Harvey, Louisiana, had moved into an empty house listed for sale, and had been there for six days before her arrest. The estate agent had called the police after people showed up for a viewing of the for-sale house, and found it to be occupied by the naked Ms Farrington, and accompanied by her large pit bull.

She was still naked, and apparently felt her freedom to be naked and in the empty house, could not be denied when the deputy arrived. After asking her to get dressed, Wang wrote in his police report that Farrington “stated to me she does not have to put on any clothes at her own house. Farrington claimed she has permission from the owner to be there and has been in the house for six days,” this of course was all untrue.

The home owner, a Mr Galt, who was out of town, was contacted and said that no one had been given permission to stay in his house, and he certainly did not know Ms Farrington. Deputy Wang then went in to the house to arrest Farrington for trespassing, at which point Ms Farrington, who was still naked, reportedly became very aggressive, she swung her hand at the officers face, but missed, and then spat in to his face.

The police report continued “I was able to pin Farrington in between the kitchen counter top and the wall” until backup officer Deputy Martin Harbin arrived. Farrington was finally arrested for felony and misdemeanour battery on an officer, felony resisting an officer with violence and misdemeanour trespassing, and she was taken to the jail on Stock Island, where she remained without bond or lawyer, as she had presumably not got her purse with her? But on the plus side, the prison uniform was better than nothing.

But just when you think there couldn't be another similar story, along comes Ms Farrington's soul mate in nakedness in Florida.

Naked Man Prowling Florida Neighbourhood
Naked Man Prowling Florida Neighbourhood
 (colour enhanced image)

On the 17th of May 2018 Police were called by two residents of a Gulf Breeze neighbourhood in Florida, who reported seeing a naked man walking in the area. When they arrived the man was found in the nude with an erection, standing near a red pick-up truck, and holding a plastic bottle of cooking oil (which he later told police that he liked to rub on his legs). He tried to outrun the police by running around the truck, then breaking away again in the heavy rain, forcing them to fire a Taser at him (which I assume added to his erectile state), and then arrest him. 

After his arrest, the man told the police officers that he receives 'sexual gratification' from being naked in public, but not from the people he passes. He told them this wasn't his first naked stroll in the neighbourhood, claiming he had done it once before, and liked to walk naked at Pensacola and Navarre Beach, but that he lived in the Woodlawn Way neighbourhood where he was found.

Naked Walker Was Arrested And Charged
Naked Walker Was Arrested And Charged
 - After A Struggle

Mr Joseph John Musso was then charged with loitering and prowling, lewd and lascivious behaviour, resisting an officer without violence, and exposure of his sexual organs, and was later released until a court date could be set.

Florida is like South Wales in the UK, people just do weird things time and time again.

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