Friday 25 June 2021

False Dawn Day

This week was supposed to see the final Covid-19 restrictions removed in the UK ...

Looking At Too Many False Dawns Is Dangerous ......

 ... a date that a pandemic battle weary UK has been looking forward to for months.

But as we have all guessed for some weeks, it was postponed yet again, not for just a fortnight, but for another f*cking month! The problem is that we are now trapped in a "led by the science" loop, which means that in theory we could never come out of the pandemic world, as variant after variant of this virus emerges around the world. 

Covid-19 Variants Will Keep Emerging - We Have To Live With It.

There is yet another Covid variant said to already be on its way from India, the so-called Delta plus variant - also known as AY.1 It has so far been found in nine other countries - USA, UK, Portugal, Switzerland, Japan, Poland, Nepal, Russia and China - in fairly small numbers. There is some dispute as to whether its more dangerous or not (variants aren't automatically more dangerous than earlier versions) so there may not be calls for another lockdown, or maybe there will ... who knows anymore?

But as we are already on the fourth confirmed identified variant of Covid-19 in18 months, we can probably expect at least as many again in the next 18 months, while the world vaccinates at differing speeds. Because while the first world may be heading hesitantly out of the pandemic woods via vaccinations, the third world will take at least a year or more to reach the same levels.

In the meantime the scientists will continue to cover their backsides (or doing their jobs they would say), by declaring that they need another 4 - 6 weeks lockdown to "study the impact" of each of the latest variants, when and if they arrive ... so in effect, a never ending lockdown cycle, which we can never escape from.

We just have to learn to live with this virus and its variants, and like the annual flu epidemic, just learn to live with it and get on with life. Somewhere out there, our political leaders have to get the strength to tell the science advisor's to just go back their labs, and prepare vaccination variants to tackle the viruses that emerge, and like the flu jab, we will offer it to the most vulnerable every year.

We can't go on like this without destroying our societies .... so get a backbone boys and girls and end the restrictions!

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