Friday 18 June 2021

Alcoholic Ape

 An Indian occultist in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh India ....

Kalua Had Only One Thing On His Mind .... Alcohol
Kalua Had Only One Thing
On His Mind ..... Alcohol

... kept a monkey as a pet for six years.

While most might think it cruel to do this, its not terribly rare, especially in South Asia, where monkeys are identified as holy by Hindus.

Now, one of the problems with keeping monkeys and apes as pets, is that they pick up bad habits, and lose their fear of humans. Kalua, as the occultist had named his pet, had picked up more bad habits than most.

He was not locked up, and ate and drank the same food as his owner .... this included a generous amount of alcohol every day. Sadly the occultist died and Kalua the monkey was no longer being fed. He wandered out of the house, and deprived of alcohol, he developed a rage as he searched for booze.

Within a few hours he started attacking people, mainly targeting women and girls, but unafraid of men and boys if they challenged him. His rampage left one man dead of his injuries, and 250 others injured, with many needing plastic surgery on their faces after he ripped their cheeks open.

He couldn't be shot, especially under the Hindu nationalist BJP so he had to be captured unharmed which is why the injury count was so high. Eventually he was caught and sent to Kanpur Zoo, where it was found that not only was he suffering alcohol withdrawal symptoms, but that he point blank refused to eat vegetables. He apparently was only fed a meat based diet.

Even in captivity Kalua continued to behave badly. He would attack female keepers on sight, and if other monkeys were introduced into the same cage, he would immediately launch an attack.

Sadly he will likely live in solitary confinement in his own cage, for the rest of his life ... but if they just gave him a drink, he would at least be a happy monkey.


  1. That an evil looking monkey if ever there was one Haha.

    1. Well I wouldn't cross him, that's for sure hah hah hah ... Thanks for the comment


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