Friday 18 June 2021

Man Bites Dog

Because its been that sort of year ....

The Headline All News Editors Love To Write .....

I have dug up a couple old Man Bites Dog stories.

Yes, they really exist ..... On the 25th of November 2019, British Transport Police were called to Liverpool's Lime Street station, when a young man apparently went berserk, and attacked several travellers on the concourse.

The attacks, which were totally unprovoked, included throwing an elderly woman's crutches down a flight of stairs, before lashing out at seven people, punching and pushing them around. The man then hit a young woman whose dog was barking at him throughout the incident, and the dog started trying to protect its owner. The man then bit the dog, but its not clear if the dog bit him back.

At least one of the victims of the attacks was injured, and their face was covered in blood. It took a couple of police officer to subdue him, and then pin him down with Velcro straps, before placing a plastic mask on his face to stop him spitting at them. He also had to be prevented from banging his own head on the nearest wall.

British Transport Police later confirmed that a 24-year-old man from Manchester had been arrested, and that the two female victims were not seriously injured. Of course, while rare (and stupid), men biting dogs are not unknown, and I have another report from the UK.

The Idea Of Man Bites Dog Is An Old One .....

In 2018, a man in in the town of Boscawen, New Hampshire was arrested for biting a police dog after reports of a shooting in the town. The officers had gone to a house after being told a person had been shot.

The police report stated that two people in the home were found to be wanted on outstanding warrants, and that they tried to flee when attempts were made to arrest them. Both of them then resisted arrest, with one man very strongly resisting the officers. During the struggle he bit the police dog K9 Veda, who bit him back .... the police eventually used Tasers to subdue him.

The suspect, who was not identified, was arrested and charged with resisting arrest, and assault on a police dog. K9 Veda was none the worse for being bitten and was physically uninjured, and quickly cleared to return to duty. The police said that they had never heard of an incident in which a human attempted to bite a police dog before, but added that “If you get into a biting competition with a police dog, you’re not going to win ... They’re pretty good at that.”

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