Friday 11 June 2021

There's Nowt As Queer As Folk

One thing we all have to accept is the human sexual fantasies and desires ...

I Would Never Have Guessed What This Is!!

... run the gamut from A to Z, and then some.

There is simply nothing it seems, that doesn't excite the sexual interests of some male (or perhaps to a lesser degree females) somewhere. I always thought that men who fantasized about and wore gimp suits were pretty outré, but it appear that I'm actually a pretty innocent fellow.

There is on the market, a high tech male chastity belt, made by a Chinese company. Its sold by high-end on-line retailers, with the tag line 'Qiui Chastity: Love Hurts'. Apparently the idea is that the wearer of their device doesn't control the device, with that being in the hands of the key-holder being their partner.

The devices come in a range from the Cellmate Chastity Cage (long and short) £135 ($189) to the Secure Ring at £15 ($20). According to reports, they are popular with around 40,000 of this one firms models alone having been sold worldwide. 

Now I freely admit that the idea of trapping ones tackle in a metal cage, never mind one that's controlled by another person, is the stuff of my nightmares. But as I have noted before, there's nothing new under the sun. Anyway the latest range is apparently an improvement on the blue-tooth versions, which could only be unlocked with a physical key, or when in blue-tooth range. The new ones can be locked or unlocked by an authorized key-holder anywhere in the world with internet access.

However the inevitable happened and a bug was found in the software, with a security flaw uncovered. This flaw would allow a hacker to simultaneously remotely lock all the devices at once. With no physical keys the devices would have had to be cut from the men by a grinder or bolt cutter .... it makes me cringe even thinking about it.

Imagine the embarrassment of all those men secretly wearing the metal and plastic devices, once they started turning up at hospitals or fire brigades to get the locked devices removed?

Fortunately for these submissive men, the flaw was uncovered by a security team in the UK (although quite why they were even looking at this devices software was not explained). So the flaw has been patched, and a workaround posted for older devices (although prising open the circuit board and pressing batteries against two wires to trigger the lock motor seems a bit dodgy as well).

Apparently the same security team have uncovered flaws in other sex toys .... but usually its personal data issues rather than the product. However this particular product has apparently already had an earlier unrelated bug, that one anonymous on-line reviewer claimed had left him with "a bad scar that took nearly a month of recovery " ... hmm, quite, but then, Love Hurts!  

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