Friday 11 June 2021

Crap App

 Most of us have been diligent and worn face masks, stayed in when asked to, and ..... 

NHS Covid-19 Track And Trace App
NHS Covid-19 Track And Trace App

..... downloaded the NHS track and trace smart-phone App.

The utterly selfish minority, have done none of those things, and to them I would say that they are contemptible little gits ... but I would be wasting my breath.

Now having said all that, I, like the good majority, have the NHS smart-phone App loaded, but have found it to be nearly useless. Now I freely admit that my phone is an older Samsung phone, with a version of Android that is no longer updated, but in that I am hardly alone. 

Android Usage Data
Android Usage Data

In fact according to market share data, Android 6.01 (Marshmallow) and earlier versions are still operating on 25 per cent of Android smart-phones, so you would think that the NHS App would cater for those people (perhaps with a version of the App designed for those users), rather than just those with the latest Android versions.

After all, logically the older version phones are likely to held by older people, who aren't bothered about having the latest phones, just as long as their current phone works, or less wealthy people, who perhaps can't afford the latest phones or the contract costs ... but in either case, these are probably just the people that any App should have been aimed at from the start. But no, because the App was developer led (and therefore biased towards the very latest technology), it actually best served those least likely to suffer much from the Covid-19 bug. 

So unless I spend a few hundred or even thousand pounds, on a newer or the best smart-phone (which I have no plans on doing), then I am stuck with a version of the NHS App that often just spins uselessly with the legend 'loading' ... the only way I can get this faulty load up to stop, is to restart my phone!

Just another example of the UK's total incompetence when it comes to I.T. projects .... and at a staggering cost of £35 million for what is a very simple concept App, then its just another waste of the tax payers money for the 25 per cent of the adult population, who will be also experiencing this App's patchy performance on their phones .... Oh, and as the App also lets you turn off the Contact Tracing this kind of defeats the whole purpose of the App.

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