Friday 11 June 2021

Joining The Dots

The anti-vaxxers are not just in the white community ...

Anti-Vaxxers Not Just A White Issue It Seems?

or so it appears from figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), in the UK.

These show that Covid-19 vaccination take up is different across the racial and cultural divisions in the country. While 96.9 per cent of Jewish people, and 96.2 per cent of those who describe themselves as Christian and who are aged over 70 years of age, have had both vaccination jabs. The figure for those over 70's in the Muslim community drops to just 84.7 per cent take-up.

ONS Figures Show A Cultural Divide

Even amongst the general population i.e. including the under 70's, Britons of Pakistani, Bangladeshi (and presumably those of Muslims Indian) origins, still have the lowest take-up rate of those eligible for both doses, at around 82 per cent. While those identifying as White British the take-up rate was 96.3 per cent. 

The Indian Variant Spreading Most In Some Areas ...

The fact that a large proportion of the current Covid-19 rises (Indian Variant), are in towns where there are large Muslim populations, is therefore hardly a coincidence ... but the fact that no one, not politicians, health professionals, nor the media, are prepared to join the dots and to pin the tail on the logic donkey, is just further evidence how far PC nonsense and multiculturalism have eroded common-sense in the UK these days. 

We are increasingly see racial divisions and divides erupt across the UK, and yet we do nothing to stop the mass immigration from non European cultures, which (along with the cult of multiculturalism) many observers would say are the drivers this integration/identity problem, and which I believe is possibly marching us towards a major social upheaval in the not so distant future .... I fear that we will eventually reap, what we are sewing today.

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