Friday 25 June 2021

Unholy Trinity

The Reverend Travis Clark of the St Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Pearl River, outside of New Orleans Louisiana..

The Church Had To Be Reconsecrated After "Demonic" Activities
The Church Had To Be Reconsecrated After "Demonic" Activities

.... has been caught with his cassocks down.

He apparently had been carrying out high jinks with two lady dominatrices on his high altar. Clark and two dominatrices Mindy Dixon, 41, and Melissa Cheng, 28, were all found romping in his church. Reverend Clark had also been filming the action on his tripod mounted mobile phone. 

The Unholy Trinity Are In Trouble
The Unholy Trinity Are In Trouble ....

They were caught in the acts, so to speak, when a passer-by noted lights on in the church on the 30th of September 2020. The passer-by peeped into the church, saw the Reverend in flagrante delicto and all were semi naked (the two women in high heels and corsets), with sex toys laid out. The police were called and despite claims that they had been filming a "roleplay," they were all arrested and charged with obscenity.

Despite the protestations of innocence, Ms Dixons social media account gave the game away, as she had posted prior to events that she was going to New Orleans to "defile a house of God". They all posted bail bonds and went into separate hiding .... the deep south is part of the US bible belt and takes religion seriously. They all risk prison sentences of a maximum of three years in jail if found guilty.

The church had to be reconsecrated by an Archbishop with a completely new altar ... the old one having been burnt. The blessing ceremony included holy water, chrism oil and incense. The Archbishop pulled no punches in his sermon:

"The desecration of this church and altar is demonic, demonic. Let me be clear, there is no excuse for what took place here. It is sinful and is totally unacceptable. Travis has been unfaithful to his vocation; he's violated his commitment to celibacy; and also, he was using that which was holy to do demonic things. The church is a very holy place and when a church has been used for unholy things and has been desecrated, we must drive away the evil spirit."  

Well all I can say is that at thank god they weren't breaking any lockdown rules at the time, or they would really be in trouble! 

Update March 2022:  The three faced criminal charges in St. Tammany Parish in May 2021 after a district attorney dropped the obscenity charges in favour of institutional vandalism, a lesser charge, in March 2021. At the May 2021 trial, all three pleaded not guilty to charges of “knowingly vandalising, defacing, or otherwise damaging property and causing damage valued at over $500 and under $50,000” in court. 

But in August 2021 a district attorney filed a superseding bill of information against the former priest, Ms Dixon and Ms Cheng for obscenity - thus effectively reinstating the original obscenity charges. A re-arraignment was scheduled for 13 October 2021 ... and there the trail runs cold. Maybe Covid has impacted this trial?

Ms Cheng still has a live GoFundMe page to help her fund her defence .... so I am guessing there has been no resolution?

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