Friday 2 July 2021

W**king From Home

It used to be said that men thought about sex every seven seconds ...

Urban Myths - Men Think About Sex Every 7 Seconds ...

and whilst that is something of an *exaggeration. Some men certainly do think about it more often then others.

How else can you account for the strange behaviours of some men who are now working from home?

Juan Ameri: Silly Boy ....

The craze for doing everything via internet software such as Zoom, is catching some men out. Juan Emilio Ameri, an Argentine politician was observed kissing his girlfriends breasts during a live congressional debate on the parliamentary YouTube channel.

He thought he was off-line when his girlfriend entered his office .... she had recently had her breasts enlarged and he was so pleased with them that he called her over and took those puppies out and kissed them .... or that's the gist of what he told the reporters who were camped outside his office. He was immediately suspended from parliament for five days, but was later forced to resign.

Jeffrey Toobin -  Nothing To Smile About ...

Of course he wasn't the only one to make this mistake in these strange times. Last October, Jeffrey Toobin a senior reporter for the New Yorker magazine and legal analyst for the CNN channel, 'accidentally' showed his penis off during a conference call with colleagues about the then upcoming presidential election.

To be more specific he was reportedly seen masturbating, according to unnamed sources. Apparently during a break in a mock presidential debate in which New Yorker staff were playing the parts of the contestants, Toobin appeared to be on a second Zoom call, but was then seen on camera touching his penis.

Toobin gave a statement after the story went public "I made an embarrassingly stupid mistake, believing I was off-camera. I believed I was not visible on Zoom. I thought no one on the Zoom call could see me. I thought I had muted the Zoom video. I apologize to my wife, family, friends and co-workers". The apology didn't prevent him later getting sacked by the New Yorker, while CNN stated that Mr Toobin would be taking some time off "while he deals with a personal issue."

Finally, a businessman accidentally appeared naked on a Zoom conference call with Brazilian President, Jair Bolsonaro, after he apparently forgot to turn off his camera following him taking a shower.

The man appeared shirtless on the bottom right corner of the screen in front of around two dozen others taking part in the call. A Brazilian minister also on the call says, "There is a guy having a shower there, naked.” President Bolsonaro responded, saying, "Unfortunately we saw. It was a shaky picture but we saw, unfortunately." 


*A study that was published in 'The Journal of Sex Research', found that on average men do think about sex more than women. The researchers learned that the average man will think about sex 19 times a day whilst the average women thinks about sex 10 times a day. They also found that there was quite a bit of variability between different people in the same sex group. While some thought about sex only a handful of times a day, others (both men and women) thought about it 100 times a day or more.

Incidentally if you do the maths, a man who did think about sex every seven seconds, would be doing so 8,000+ times a day, just during his 16 waking hours ... leaving no time to do anything else!

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