Friday 2 July 2021

Street Sex

The human races willingness to try anything once never ceases to amaze me .... 

The Stuff Off Some Men's Fantasies .... Not Much To Look At

... for example eating pavement lichen.

Who on earth would look at concrete pavements under their feet, and observe that thin green rock lichen, and then decide to lick it? Even if you thought of it, what would you expect to happen? 

Well apparently someone in New Zealand did and discovered that they started feeling horny and got an erection. They were so impressed by this discovery that they felt obliged to share it on social media ... and thus a new craze was born in New Zealand.

Or at least that's what we like to think must have happened hahaha, because in August 2019 scientists in that country issued a warning that people should not attempt to eat "sex street lichen" .... a green fungus found to be growing on footpaths, some tree trunks, and rocks.  

Xanthroparmelia Scabrosa

This after it was being promoted on-line as a natural Viagra on social media pages. In fact it was already in many commercial 'natural' products under its scientific name, being touted for many reasons .... including as a male vascular sexual support aid. Whilst Xanthroparmelia Scabrosa may or may not have stimulatory properties (and lets be honest, many natural herbal products have untested claims), the version scrapped off the pavements will most certainly contain pollutants, such as faeces, car exhaust fumes, fuel lead, mercury and even arsenic.

I doubt that fact will stop men with issues from trying it, either in the safe commercial form, or for the desperate, directly from the street .... have you seen the price of Viagra?

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