Friday 2 July 2021

Is There Anyone Out There?

Bryce Jerald Dixon from New Fork, Utah, is a man who believes aliens visit Earth ....

They Are Just Here For A Conference .....

.... and in fact they were sending a diplomatic mission here, and he was to be Earth's representative.

So he went down to the local 7-Eleven store and stole a red pick-up truck, so that he could get to the Colosseum shopping mall in Layton Utah, in order to board then alien spaceship for the conference flight to their orbiting Mother-ship.

During his truck ride, he apparently had misgivings about stealing the vehicle, and claims that when its owner found him, he was actually returning it. Dixon told attending police that he had felt bad about stealing the red pick-up truck, but then he continued to talk about how the aliens needed him for a meeting. 

Bryce Jerald Dixon ... Earth's Representative.

Neither the police nor the truck owner believed him, and he was arrested and charged with theft of a vehicle, and three attempts to escape from official custody. 

Oh, and he was treated for minor injuries sustained when the trucks owner punched him in the face .... you would think the aliens would have beamed him up, or at least offered taxi money.

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