Friday 9 July 2021

Covid Cats

The whole world has been affected by Covid ...

Covid Cats
Wilful Cats, Rarely Follow The Rules ....

... even that normally most wilful of creatures, the cats who live alongside us.

The Philippine Star, a newspaper in the Philippines, posted some pictures of some apparently socially  aware cats.

Philippine Cats Are Social Distancing Cats

The white circles on the pavements of Quezon City, north-east of the capital Manila are to help shoppers abide by the recommended two-metre distancing guidelines. However they have encouraged the towns stray cats to do likewise.

Cats are naturally attracted to small tight spaces, and the circles have attracted the cats to sit inside them. The cats pictured will sit in them for up to 10 minutes at a time, or until they get thrown a scrap by the stall holders.  

But it seems that Philippine Cats are social distancing cats ......


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