Friday 16 July 2021

The Woke News

Chicago Mayoress Lori Lightfoot, who identifies as a person of colour (POC) ... 

Chicago Mayoress Lori Lightfoot
Mayor Lightfoot Has Set Her Interview Policies

... has recently announced, that as she has now reached around the mid-term in her current term of office, she is temporarily only giving 1 to 1 interviews with POC journalists. 

Of course should a white politician ever say that they are only going to give 1 to 1 interviews with white journalists. Well that would be classed as racist and they would quite rightly be hounded out of office. 

However as a POC Mayor in Chicago, Lightfoot is virtually bulletproof from the mainstream media, and as she claims that she represents a "city where more than half of the city identifies as Black, Latino, AAPI or Native American", well she knows they aren't going to vote her out. 

Chicago Mayoress Lori Lightfoot's Inflammatory Tweets
Inflammatory Tweets?

She states that "Diversity and inclusion is imperative across all institutions, including the media, and changes must be made to the City Hall press corps, which is overwhelmingly White". She went on to say “This is exactly why I’m being intentional about prioritizing media requests from POC reporters on the occasion of the two-year anniversary of my inauguration as mayor of this great city.” 

When pressed by the local media, her press office told them that this prioritisation of POC journalists only applies to specific requests for interviews about the mayor’s two-year anniversary in office ... so a bit of back peddling. How she determines who qualifies as a POC is not actually clear .... 

Gregory Pratt - Latino Journalist Chicago Tribune
Gregory Pratt - Latino Journalist Chicago Tribune

However Gregory Pratt, who considers himself to be a "Latino reporter for the chicagotribune" was granted an interview (despite the distinctly non Latino sounding surname), but then asked the mayor’s office to lift its conditions on other reporters, and after they refused, the Chicago Tribune 'respectfully cancelled' the interview request. Mr Pratt wrote "Politicians don’t get to choose who covers them". 

A laudable stance, but its going to take more than one organisation to stand up and be counted, before the nonsense that is woke politics is exposed for what it really is .... thinly veiled racism against just one group in society.

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