Friday 8 March 2024

Polluted Planet

In 2001, a research team found a can of spam meat from ....

Seabed Debris
Seabed Debris

 .... five kilometres down the slopes of the Mariana Trench.

They also found traces of flame retardant chemicals and other persistent organic pollutants (POPs), like PCBs, a Budweiser beer bottle, as well as the low sodium meat product. This deep point of the ocean (the distance from the surface to full ocean depth). is actually about the same as to the widest point of the Mississippi River, or half the length of Manhattan Island (10,994m). 

The sightings were at depths of 3,780 meters depth at Enigma Seamount or 4,947 meters on the slopes of a canyon leading to the Sirena Deep in the Mariana trench .... reports vary. In fact the majority of the debris spotted was not plastic, but metal. About 5% of the debris spotted was from the Second World War, mostly either bombs or bullets.

In July 2016, the Russian Navy salvaged an American M4 Sherman from55 feet under the surface of the Barents sea. The American Second World War tank was transported from England on the Thomas Donaldson cargo ship in 1945 when the Nazi submarine sank the vessel.

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