Friday 17 May 2024

Gone In A Puff Of Smoke

 Yep ..... its a Florida man story .... kinda ...

Smok-E Mountain Mech Works - Sells A Mechanical Mod.
Smok-E Mountain Mech Works
- Sells A Mechanical Mod.

.... although this time I felt sympathy for him.

When I was a smoker, e-cigarettes or vaping pens were either non-existent (not invented?) or just a strange teen fad. So any dangers from the use of e-cigarettes or vaping pens were unknown to me. However I assume that amongst users these days, the dangers if any are considered very low or to the non-existent level.

'Wake' D'Elia With Vape-Pen
'Wake' D'Elia With Vape-Pen

So when on the 5th of May, 2018, Tallmadge Wakeman D'Elia, a 38 year old TV producer was e-vaping in an upstairs bedroom in his St. Petersburg, Florida, with a device made by a Philippines company Smok-E Mountain Mech Works, he presumably thought nothing of it.

Unfortunately he became what the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) said was a national first, when his vape device exploded, causing a massive fire in his home. The explosion fired shrapnel pieces of metal in to his brain, killing him instantly, before the fire took hold in the bedroom causing 80 per cent burns on his body. His wife wasn't home at the time and it was a neighbour who raised the alarm and identified him as the victim to the authorities.

It was easy to identify the cause, because the shrapnel in his brain carried the logo of the Smok-E Mountain Mech Works, who manufacture a powerful types of mechanical vape pen called a mechanical mod. It is not known why the device blew up, and Smok-E Mountain told ABC news that its e-cigarettes do not explode, suggesting instead that the device's battery or atomizer was likely to be to blame. However On-line descriptions of one of their products warned that that they have 'no safety features' and 'no regulations'.  

Even so vape pen explosions are rare, with one vape user suffering 3rd degree burns when a vape pen exploded in his pocket in 2016. In Idaho a man lost 9 teeth when one exploded in in his mouth. FEMA reported that there were almost 200 incidents involving exploding vape pens recorded between 2000 and 2016, but Mr D'Elia was the first person in the US to die as a consequence of such and event. 

Smoking cigarettes has its health risks, and although lesser, so it seems do e-cigarettes.

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