Friday 10 May 2024

Cool Runner

Andrzej Bargeil became the first human to ski from the summit of K2, the worlds second highest peak at 28,251 ft (8,611m) ......

Queues To Climb Everest
Tough At The Top ..... But Not As Tough As It Used To Be.

of course he had to climb it first, which he did without the aid of supplementary oxygen.

While of course its very much easier to reach the summit of these mountains these days, as the photo of the queues to reach the summit of Mount Everest this year have clearly demonstrated ..... even so Mr Bargeils achievement is not to be sniffed at. 

What puts it into greater perspective is that his brother used a drone to film the ski descent, which took a remarkable 7 hours to complete. Even when everything seems to have been done before, someone still finds a way to be a first.

To the names of Achille Compagnoni and Lino Lacedelli (1st men to conquer K2) and Wanda Rutkiewicz (1st woman to conquer K2) is added the name Andrzej Bargeil.

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