Friday 31 May 2024

Holiday Island Crime Wave

In September 2021 armed Police had to get the daily ferry to the isolated Channel Island of Sark (pop 500) ...... 

SARK - Trouble in Paradise
SARK - Trouble in Paradise

.... after someone reported an aggravated burglary had occurred on the island.

They eventually arrested 3 men all aged 36 (a 4th, a 30 year old, was later released), and charged them with false imprisonment and robbery in Sark. The island is just 3.5 miles long and 1.5 miles wide, and has no full time police presence.

Three 36-year-olds all from Slough, Englad (Ali Abbas Ahmed, Aal E Ahmad Hussain and Omar Sharif) were accused of false imprisonment, and robbery of items including a laptop, four mobile phones and $2,400, which was allegedly taken via bank transfer from a property on Rue de la Coupée in Sark ... have all been released on bail to the mainland (subject to a security payment of £20,000 each, as well as the surrender their passports, and to reside at their home addresses with a curfew in place, and to report to their local police station three times a week)

The question has to be asked as to what made three, brown skinned males from Slough, think that they wouldn't stand out amongst 500 white islanders, it remains a mystery (and how did they think that they would get away, as there is only the daily ferry?)   

Cars are banned, and only tractors, bikes, and horse transport is allowed ... however crime isn't completely unknown, with an assault in 2017 ... and in 2019 a police officer stationed on the island, stated that the small island was 'awash' with crooks. These include 'drink-drivers,' drug trafficking, alcohol-fuelled violence, and other intoxicated driving (using tractors, horse and carts, bicycles or battery-powered buggies for elderly or disabled people)

Even paradise has been infected by the modern world ......

Much of the crime was committed by externally recruited seasonal employees, who are attracted by the sunny weather, but who don't respect local laws or traditions. He requested that the next officer be equipped with pepper spray and batons for 'self-protection', and the protection of the public.

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